I'm back! And bored. And broke. But I would like to meet up with whoever's in Singapore. Um. Despite my seeming aloofness... I actually do enjoy company. Anyway. I'm posting because of 3 things.
IS SO OMG LOL HEROES FANDOM. Ando and Sylar: bros before hos. Or maybe "Hos, not Bros".
2. I watched The Golden Compass and although the ending was a bit of a let down (like that page you want to flip, but it's the end of the book, wait for sequel please okay thanks bye). I didn't get to squee much over Craig because he was hardly on... but his daemon... a snow leopard! ♥
3. Rojak Institute: Episode 1 is awesome but so short. Wah. Check out
Rojak Labs to learn more of it.
2 movies in one day is somewhat tiring on my brain at this time... but from what I recall of watching National Treasure: The Book of Secrets, I really do like it. *_*