Life to this point

Jan 10, 2007 09:50

Well, it's been pretty hectic so far this week, what with trying to get my schedule all figured out and homework done and everything. Should have posted earlier, but oh well... I haven't had a lot of free time and being sick has taken a lot of energy out of me.

So let's see...

My roommate Nate brought a SNES back from his parents' house in Iowa. Only problem is that two of the controllers don't hardly work, and one of them has a messed up R-button. Well, one of them seemed to work when you jammed the wire into the controller really hard, but not consistently. So, thinking it was a problem with the solder being not secure in there somewhere, I offered to fix it. This, however, did not turn out to be the case. I took the thing apart, identified a wire that might be having problems (although it looked like it was a decent connection to me), clipped it, and re-soldered it onto the controller. I was thinking "sweet, that was easy, now to plug it in and watch all the problems be gone." Yeah, not so much. Now it doesn't work at all. :( No idea why, either... unless the bad connection is inside the part that has the insulation-stuff over it, and I'm a little hesitant to take that off. Of course, it doesn't work at all now, so what's to stop me? I felt bad about breaking the thing totally. Though granted I did warn Nate that it might happen, and he okayed it.

Then, on top of that, right after I got back from racquetball, I got this extremely bad abdominal pain. It was really kind of scary, because the last time I got that was when I had a nasty infection while on my mission for 2-3 weeks. It had been bad enough at that time that I had seriously wondered if it was going to kill me. So, it was not a pleasant flashback. I think it was a drink I had bought at the Twilight Zone (convenience store on campus) just before that, and it didn't agree with me. (Fuze, if anyone's interested-- beware). Ilya, a friend of mine, who I was playing racquetball with said that he'd felt a little discomfort as well (he bought one also), but it wasn't bad. I think maybe that said infection on the mission just made my system more sensitive to such things.

So, I was much frustrated with this, then there was the controller, and I just was not in a good mood. That and I wasn't able to see bel because of said problem, so I felt bad. *sigh* But, such is life. I'll get to see her today, so hopefully that'll make it all better. :D

On the plus side, right now I'm at work, feeling much better-- whatever it was that made me sick worked itself out of my system-- and sorta-kinda looking forward to classes.

life in general, sick, hobbies

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