Life over the break

Jan 02, 2007 19:42

Well, I took a cold home for thanksgiving and got it back for Christmas. Not happy about that-- it's a nasty annoying one, too.

I got my grades back, and not that happy about it. Got two C's-- one was a C+. Had a semester GPA of something like 2.80, and that drops my cumulative to a 3.58. Which means I'm under the scholarship line, and that's aggravating. I may not even be able to raise the cumulative back above the line if I get a 4.0 next semester, which by the way, is not likely. That's very annoying.

But, unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it now, and I don't think I can even retake the classes-- I think the EE department has some policy that you can't retake classes unless you get a C- or lower. Argh.

As for new years resolutions, I don't normally make them. I find that every time I do they either end up forgotten or not done. Fi said some true stuff about goals needing to be measurable. Very true. So, I prefer to make goals as I go and notice that things need to be changed. First one for now: 4.0 next semester. This will require that I throw myself at the classes and get everything done not only on time, but if possible, early. At least these are classes that I should enjoy more. Wish me luck, because I'm going to need it.

life in general, school

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