Little update

Jan 12, 2007 01:00

Well, I was going to work on my English writing assignment that is due tomorrow at midnight, but I'm simply too tired and not able to concentrate right now. So, I will leave that until later.

Um... I was going to post something... Dang, I really am tired. ...what was it...?

Well, I spent some time with bel tonight, that was good. She showed me some pictures from Japan, and a few of her family and around the house-area. I had a good time. *tired smile*

Classes were just ok, but I got a lot of other stuff done-- aside from said English paper-thing.

Oh, and I just had to post the stated theme from my Computer Architecture class:

"Not just a course for dedicated hackers. We bring out the hacker in everyone."


At any rate, I'm a lot more tired than I thought I was about an hour ago, and I can't think of what it was I was going to post, so I think I'm going to crash.

life in general, school

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