Musings and updates

Apr 10, 2006 22:12

Well, I wanted to post about my thoughts on the illegals issue. And other stuff after that, so just skip the cut part if you don't want to see it.

I didn't know what all the protests were about really until I spoke to a Hispanic guy going to school here (he's legally here) in the Talmage Building while "working on" my math assignment. Anyway, apparently they're not protesting so much the fact that there is legislation, but a couple of the laws being proposed. He said there was some extreme right-wing stuff, and some extreme left-wing stuff. He said they were protesting two of the extreme left-wing laws. One of them would deport anyone who had been in the country illegally for less than 5 years (including any American-born children they had), and the second would give immigration-enforcement power to the local police, which would mean they could stop you whenever. I personally don't agree with either of those two laws really, but I don't see why the local police having immigration power would be a big problem, aside from being annoying. Not to mention I don't see how they would enforce the first one.

Anyway, my thoughts on the matter. Firstly, I'm not opposed to immigration. Legal immigration. I do think the borders need to be closed, though, and illegal immigration stopped. Then, I think it needs to be easier to get into this country legally, because right now it's pretty close to impossible. I have a lot of friends in Brazil who would like to come up here (not even permanently) and they can't get visas because it's so dagblasted hard. I don't remember what the ratio is, but you're pretty much only allowed in if you're accepted by a school/university here, or you're getting married to an American. At least down in Brazil anyway, I don't know about people from other countries coming in.

Secondly, I think the protests are not necessarily a good idea. Sounds like a lot of negative publicity, to me. I definately don't think that emmigrating illegally should be rewarded, but I also don't see a viable solution along the lines of deporting illegals. I'll be frank, and say that I don't know what the right answer is in that regard. I'm still trying to form a solid opinion on it.

One thing that really gets on my nerves, though, is the stuff I've heard some of the protesters say about wanting to enact legislation on this being racism. That and the claim "We're not criminals." First of all, it's most definately not racism to require someone to obey the law, and secondly, let's look at the definition of criminal. Someone who commits a crime. What's a crime? An act which knowingly transgresses a law. Ok, you crossed the border knowing that it was against the law and that you shouldn't do it. That is a crime. You committed it, and that makes you a criminal. Now, that doesn't mean I'm lumping them in with murderers, rapists, thieves, and the like. It's not quite the same thing. But, by the definition of the word, they are criminals for knowingly breaking the law. It really bothers me that people have the audacity to do that and then claim it was fine for them to do so. If you do something wrong, at least admit it. Anyway, there's my feelings. As for those protesters who are protesting the laws that are unreasonable, no problem. As long as they're not making ridiculous claims, like "we didn't break the law."

And it bothers me that people who want so badly to stay in the United States protest border-control laws by carrying around flags from other countries. If you want to be here, shouldn't you be trying to show it with the appropriate flag?

In other news, I registered for classes last night at midnight, got just about all the classes I wanted. I was going to sign up for this Pen and the Sword that Ki TAs for, but alas, it did not work with my schedule. It was only offered from 1:00-2:50, which would cut an hour off when I would be able to work Fall semester, and I also had another class at 1:00, whose time was non-negotiable. So, I was forced to go with a normal old history class.

My classes
ECEn 380 - Signals and Systems
M T W Th F (Gah! shoot me!)
4:00-4:50 T Th (Might not be going to this if it's the TA section...)

ECEn 370 - Probability Theory

ECEn 395 - Junior Seminar

Physics 281 - Solid State Physics

Rel C 324 - D&C
T Th

Hist 202 - Civ from 1500 to present
12:05-1:20 (Why can't you fit into a normal time slot?)

T Th

E para ela que me escreveu aquela notícia simpática, eu te agradeço. Foi só a segunda que tenho recebido, e sou grato. Acho que sei quem foi que escreveu mas não foi assinada, então achando que foi de propósito não quero envergonhar ninguém, e perguntarei mais tarde pessoalmente.

Just wondering, do you guys ever translate any of this stuff anymore? I'm just curious because no one ever comments on it, so I never can tell.

life in general, school, rant

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