Terrible day, but a good ending

Apr 06, 2006 23:58

Well today was horrible. I almost died. BUT- I didn't. I woke up this morning stressing to death about a test in my circuits class which I had to take today, and a Java project I hadn't finished yet. Not to mention a few other minor assignments that are due tomorrow which I hadn't even thought about doing. I went to class (New Testament-- it was pretty relaxing, that was good), and then studied for a few hours for the circuits test and went to take that. Turned out to be a lot easier than I was expecting. I might have missed a few, but I don't think I missed very many. Not sure, though. It was a "See Instructor" grade. *shakes fist* But maybe that will mean he'll give partial credit.

Anyway, got done with that around 3 in the afternoon, and from then on I was over at the Talmage Building working on the JAVA PROJECT OF DOOM. I had to implement a data storage structure called an AVL tree. If someone ever tells you that you have to make one of those turn and run. Anyway, as it ended up I was there until around 8:00 tonight when I finally couldn't get any farther on it and had to go to one of the TAs for help. Turned out I mostly had it, I was just missing a few lines here and there to finish it out. Anyway, it took us about an hour to find those lines (at this time my brain had virtually shut down, so I was largely relying on the TA to do the thinking). We found all the bugs, fixed them, and I got it passed the autograder with 20 minutes to go before they left. Then I went and made a few finishing touches on it and passed off with 5 minutes to go. If it weren't for that TA, I'd still be stressing about that beast of a project even now, and would have to pass it off late. All hail to helpful TAs!

Starting work tomorrow, which should be fun. I'm looking forward to it. And now all I have to do is a few minor things and then I'm DONE for the weekend!

So, good ending to a nasty day. Oh, and thanks for going to Wendy's with me Fi and Ci! It was a good way to celebrate.

life in general, school

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