Today was good. I had a day off from the papers so I decided to las everything else on my plate to just concentrate on finishing the 2nd draft of The Dead of Night. It's come in at around 68K words, which is perfect, should my publisher decide to offer me a contract on it. My initial concerns were that I had lost some of the spark that I had in the first novel but then I found that I had indeed managed to keep that sense of wonder going, especially with the "astral" sequences. To be quite honest, I'd forgotten many of the details happening at the end so I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did when I first wrote it.
I can say with a confidence that if you enjoy Neil Gaiman's and Storm Constantine's writing, there's a fair chance you'll enjoy my James Edward Guillaume series.
My editor will be getting back with changes on Khepera Rising quite soon, which is quite nerve-wrecking. This is the first time I've had a professional look at my writing and it's one thing to edit an author's work, but it's quite another to have someone do the same for your writing.
Anyhoo, if you'd like regular writing updates, I have a FB group thingie: I don't spam more than once or twice a month.