Happy Ford Fairlane Day!!! (Daddoo, I can haz Ford Fairlane, pweeeze?)

Jul 05, 2009 20:20

Today was one of the rare days I decided to go help out at one of Thomas's shoots. Granted, I had ulterior motives. There was a 1971 Ford Fairlane involved. A friend of ours, Kyle, bought her for a few thousand rand and he's justfiably proud of his "new" puppy. Her V8 engine throbs with a low-throated purr which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. And I got to ride shotgun for a bit. All we needed was some Ennio Morricone playing in the background - though not too loud lest we not hear our li'l V8.

I chatted to Kyle and Gabbi who've given me some stunning ideas, and I'm proud to say I've the car for my urban fantasy novel SNAKECHARMER. She's an Australian Ford Fairlane that's been painted a metallic purple. She's driven by a 60-yo lesbian who gives my hapless protagonist a lift along the N7 National Road.

Yes, I've started writing SNAKECHARMER but it's a long while still before it's going to see its betas. It's full of wangst, sleazy West Coast fishing villages, muscle cars and, yes . . . vampires. The pic below should give a small taste. BTW . . . I grew up in Hout Bay. It's gone all trendy now. *sob!*

writing, ford fairlane, snakecharmer, photography, muscle cars

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