Michael Moore versus CNN

Jul 14, 2007 07:31

As some of you know, I'm a huge Michael Moore fan. I like him not because I agree with his politics (because I largely don't), but because I like his filmic style, his sense of humor, his compassion, and the fact that he gets things done. His films and TV shows are packed full of stories of people who were mistreated by coporations (some left to die...as seen in his earlier films) and because of his tenacious on-camera question-asking, the corporate PR folks always seem to have a change of heart.

Sicko is a little different in that he doesn't confront the PR types, or go after specific corporations as much as he's asking health care workers and patients about their experiences. Like his earlier films, Sicko is funny and heartbreaking at the same time. I have my issues with socialized health care that the film did not address, but I have to admit that he makes a very compelling case. But that's for another discussion.

Wolf Blitzer and Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN ran a segment before a live interview with Moore where they say that Moore "fudged the facts". Moore's on air retort was awesome. If you hate Moore, this will make you hate him even more (excuse the pun) because he comes of as just plain rude....but I was laughing through the whole thing. Kudos to Wolf Blitzer for his amazing patience amidst such fire. Check out the 15 minute segment on YouTube. You can also see Part 2 on YouTube, which was recorded the same day as Part 1 but broadcast the next day. As promised during the interview, Moore then had his fact check people post a reply on his website. Gupta was wrong on every single point. Moore then sent an open letter to CNN in which he asks CNN to apologize and says that he will be CNN's worst nightmare until they do so. He also links to an article that shows that Moore had sent Gupta his sources on the films facts before the show aired, and yet CNN/Gupta chose to air it anyway.

Curiously enough, Moore hasn't addressed an interesting fact pointed out in a leaked Blue Cross/Blue Shield memo made public by Moore. The memo criticizes Moore for not distinguishing between "For Profit" and "Not For Profit" health care insurance. Presumably, from that statement, the Blues are not for profit? Am I misinterpreting that? If an insurance company is not for profit, then what is the motivation behind screwing over the common man by denying medical care?
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