what dreams may come

Jul 12, 2007 15:06

July 1:
I had a dream about my mom suddenly dying before the baby is born. It was warm outside, sunny, so probably summer or early fall. Mike and I were in the car, my Mom was driving us to look at various townhomes (in real life, we are looking to move back to Pgh). Rather than giving me directions, she decided to give us tours of the neighborhoods. In the dream, the next day, my dad tries to wake her up and can't. She'd had a stroke in her sleep. I'm in shock / denial, as is Mike. Dad spends his day making arrangements at the neighbors house, asking them for help. I wake up the following morning at my parents' home and forget that it happened at first, and then it hits me. I have to call my friends, tell them. I remember the time, and the number 2. I remember I decide to call my friend in California first because otherwise he'd have no idea what happened, and he lost his mother to cancer long ago and would empathize. I'm about to dial the phone and I wake up. When I woke up, the time was a few minutes off of the actual time of day, around 11am.

Hopefully, this is simply a dream about transitioning the mother-daughter relationship from her to me. The person driving a car in a dream usually denotes the one who is felt to have the power/control over the dreamer. Death usually represents change in dream-speak. Often our deepest fears are manifested in dreams, so this could explain it.

So this is where my logic collides with my intuition:

The thing that bothers me is the undenyable fact that I have prophetic dreams about people close to me, and things that happen in the dream occur 2 weeks, months, or years from the day of the dream. So I have this horrible nagging feeling that this dream could be a sign.

When I was 13, almost 14, I a dream about seeing my brother's best friend in a coffin. It didn't feel like just any other dream. It had this weight to it, this nagging feeling. I was too afraid to tell anyone about the dream. Two days later we found out he had a malignant brain tumor. The same month, I had another dream about his father reaching from a cloud and pulling him to heaven. His father was suddenly diagnosed with colon cancer and died 2 months before my brother's friend died at age 13.

In 2001 I also had a dream about my friend's brother in an examination room with a hole with a glowing white infection on his right side. There was a #2 tattooed on him.
In waking life: That morning, my friend's mother called very upset. The brother had a kidney transplant and became violently ill - they couldn't figure out what was wrong since it wasn't an organ rejection. I pleaded them to ask the doctors to check the right side (which coincidentally was the site of his catheter). Two days later, they found the infection and he recovered.

Since I've had many dreams like this (basically I've known about any death or massive injury to anyone close to me before its actual occurrance), and since my mom has had several small strokes in the past few years, I'm trying not to be freaked out. It would be so devastating for her not to see her long-awaited grandchild. I can't imagine being a mother without her around.

Sometimes a dream is just a dream, and sometimes it foretells what may come.
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