A new stage in life

Dec 20, 2006 22:40

Aye, t'has been many a moon, nay, many a season, even many a year since I was able to utter the words "I have a girlfriend". I have generally avoided this situation like the plague, but well, life is an odd thing and even more relevantly it has some odd people in it. One of which is an utterly intriguing little wildcat by the name of Kessie, or Lisa, or Lu, or monkey girl (depending on the situation). I must admit the time so far has no been without fault but neverteless I am falling hard - whether this is a good or a bad thing I guess time will tell. It is certainly for the moment however a nice thing, a different thing and most importantly a fun thing. Lets hope the niceness deepens, the difference turns not into formulaic familiarity and the fun intensifies.

A few moments from the last couple of weeks with the adorable little wildcat:

#5 Finding a new meaning to the term "bubble bath"

#4 Kes grabbing my hand, thrusting it between her legs and asking "Am I hot?" (one can only imagine how Chinese doctors must check for fevers...)

#3 Ganging up with Kes' mum against the little wildcat and subsequently being given access to the family photo album, including an amazing array of pics of a junior Kes strutting her stuff for the camera (even including a young nudie pic!). I don't think it's posible to detail in words just how much of a little poser she was! Always with the exageratted runway model poses: my sides hurt from laughing almost as much as my heart hurt from the overdose of cuteness!

#2 The kitchen bench (no, I'm not going into detail)

#1 I think the following picture says it all, nobody believes us that it was purely innocent!!

A few more pics from my trip to Sydney, didn't do any real photoshoots as such but had some fun with some spontanious casual shots:

Kes Chillin by the skating rink waiting for Steph and/or I to come and play:

A face shot I particularly like, she was hanging over a tree branch and I was pretty much laying on the ground looking up at her:

One of her shyer moments:

Kes looking well elegant:

Stay tuned for more pics as I get this lazy arse of mine into gear and edit...
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