Oct 17, 2008 03:06

Who: Nataku and Schrodinger.
Where: Elysium, Liebert Estate. Nataku's designated room.
When: Late at night.
Summary: Best friends have a reunion.
Rating: PG?
Other: Guessing that Johan has cameras so totally can know what went on. Hi, not!Daddy. ~\o

What is done has been done for the best. )

schrödinger, nataku

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thecat_cameback October 17 2008, 08:20:46 UTC
As those sleepless eyes turned away a living being would suddenly inexplicably appear. Leaning on the wall on the other side of the room that no good cat-eared blonde would idly glance around from where he had situated himself. Ha perhaps Schrödinger fitted the role of ‘fairy god-father’ to Nataku-however this one didn’t exude good will to help they’re charge. This one was more a mischievous little thorn in realities side. Gloved palms pressed to the wall, military boot clunking against the sterile white carpet of the room ( ... )


soulparadox October 17 2008, 08:36:28 UTC
The nervous energy disappeared as soon as he saw his friend. It seemed as though his wish had been answered, as odd as that was. From what he had seen of the world, it felt like wishes were not granted so easily. Naturally, he got up off the bed so that he may properly greet Schrodinger rather than remain seated. While he was aware that he was in pajamas as that was generally what people wore to bed, he did not particularly mind. Then again, he did not seem to be embarrassed to be seen in loli-dresses when he met his friend either ( ... )


thecat_cameback October 17 2008, 10:31:25 UTC
“Nah you didn’t know any better-“ a palm lifted to wave off the prospect of Nataku apologizing for what had happened, “Ich feel bad Ich wasn’t zhare to give you guidance!” Cause apparently Nataku was his charge. Or so dubbed in this moment- the poor weirdo couldn’t seem to get along fine in the real world outside walls for very long and Schrödinger had a mind to help this buddy of his. After all- it was pretty fun~ and anything to kill his natural enemy known as boredom would be enough to keep the black feline eared Nazi interested ( ... )


soulparadox October 17 2008, 16:48:33 UTC
"That would have been nice." It meant that he would not have had to say something that would keep him from his best friend for so long. When the questions would have been difficult, Nataku could have gestured for the teen to answer rather than say something that would land them both in trouble. Still, he did not mind the time that he spent in the office. Vargret seemed like a nice person under the guise of grumpy. But his understanding of other people was limited and biased ( ... )


thecat_cameback October 18 2008, 07:54:34 UTC

“Pffft Ich vouldn’t vear a dress if she offered! I’m a boy! Ich don’t vear dresses-Ich do have zome dignity!” He huffed puffing up his lungs as he sat on the bed and the owner of said bed took a seat against the floor. Lightly one black socked leg wagged forward and back off the edge as those reflective eyes wove around the room again. “Hmm hmm~♪ So you get to walk around in this place all you want?” He didn’t seem to run out of questions, eyes glancing to the door as gloved fingertips idly picked at the slim black belt that crossed over his uniformed chest ( ... )


soulparadox October 18 2008, 08:21:04 UTC
"I suppose that you do need some dignity if you are a boy." He did not mean that as a slight but agreeing with Schrodinger said. Playing with his own hair, he tried to fix it in a semblance that did not look like he had just woken up even though that was what had happened. It seemed rude to be so unruly in front of his best friend. "Yes. I can. And that is thanks to you. You were the one that spoke to Johan, after all. I thank you for speaking to him on my behalf."

"The funny man." Once more, he parroted what the other said as he tried to remember who was being spoken about. He looked side-to-side before finally remembering who that was. The one that is considered a 'bad guy' in Elysium and Terra. "Oh, that man. I am uncertain I am upset about that. He was someone that had you used as a distraction before ( ... )


thecat_cameback October 18 2008, 09:20:35 UTC
“Ich vasn’t speaking on your behalf~ Ich was speaking on myyyy! Behalf” he corrected, gloved paws still up in the shaded air. Lucky for the little nazi he didn’t need light in order to see clear, his form twisted rolling over to lay on his stomach as he seemed not able to sit still for very long, once again elbows pressed to the bed-but this time palms cupped each side of his face as he gazed to his odd strange but rather interesting best friend. “Cause-oft course Ich vould help mien friend ( ... )


soulparadox October 18 2008, 21:23:25 UTC
"Understood." If he felt slighted that it was not for his behalf, he certainly did not feel it. "That is simply how things are, are they not? Friends are supposed to help one another ( ... )


thecat_cameback October 19 2008, 22:03:43 UTC
“Umn it wouldn’t be a good thing to zee her or do zomethink for her- she’s got more oft a ego than you…Besides I’m thinking za longer they have her incarcerated maybe das funny man might come out and play again und that’d be more fun to watch…” That tutting gloved finger dropped down, limb hanging lazily off the side of the bed as he rotated to gaze absent mindedly upside down at the strange little friend of his ( ... )


soulparadox October 20 2008, 16:28:07 UTC
"I see." He had not realized that if one's ego was larger than his own -- not a feat that was too amazing or great -- that they would be resistant to help. It was not something that he had encountered, but if that was how things were, then he would not offer his assistance in the manner. "She will not want our help." He reiterated this point, mostly for himself so that he could commit it to memory ( ... )


thecat_cameback October 26 2008, 23:09:08 UTC
“Vell I wouldn’t…say zaaat” After all his ‘auntie’ would probably appreciate the help if it was in his power to do…well he did get Nataku out of the cop’s grasp and into this lavish estate~ maybe something was possible? Naahh why would he bother? It’d be going out of his way, besides he didn’t like the idea of entering a place crawling with cops-the hospital was one thing, this was another. Not to mention…Auntie had been so quiet lately! After he went to such trouble! So being the little brat cat he was he’d turn his little blonde tabby head away until due attention was granted to him again ( ... )


soulparadox October 27 2008, 03:27:48 UTC
"Oh. Then, I suppose I do not understand her." That may have been because he had yet to speak to her as well. Still, if she was someone that his best friend liked and was not doing anything that would otherwise end in the cat's injury -- then, he had nothing but positive thoughts on her. "However, if you believe that she will be all right. There seems to be no reason for us to get involved, right now. It would be unfortunate if a certain officer's head was made into swiss-cheese." When his friend rolled over, Nataku tilted his head and body slightly so that he could be seen right-side-up for Schrödinger than upside down. It seemed more like he was about to fall over at any moment, almost all of his body tilted to the left, but somehow kept himself from doing so ( ... )


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