Who woulda thunk it.

Dec 31, 2007 14:43

Yeah, I still suck at typing after all these years. I was looking briefly at my last post and noticed many typos. I am blaming this squarely on the MacBook I'm using. I hate typing on laptop keyboards.

I've been housesitting for a couple of good friends of mine, who live in the same building and I woke up this morning to a lack of power. My first reaction was to check the rest of the building to see if it was just me, or what was up. It seems I was the only one in the dark. Even the other apartment I'm housesitting at had power. After a call to the building manager, a call the friend in BC (with a message left with her Dad) and then a call to the hydro company, it seems that the power company here thought that this appartment was vacant. My friend only moved in at the end of December, so it didn't make much sense that she'd owe anything to them. Either way, we're back in business!

I was up till about 5am last night chatting to friends online (I R BIG GEEK) and reminiscing the good times and the people I've come to know on this weird wide web. It was sticakm that I was on last night, and I've only known the people on there for about a year now, so it seemed odd that we would be looking back and missing "the good old days". I've been knocking about the internet for over 4 years now, and have been involved with many great communities, and hope to be involved with many more. Perhaps one year I'll do a tour of online friend, and go place to place visiting people I've met online. It'd be a good excuse to do some traveling now that I'll have some free time.

While most people will be out drinking their faces off and ringing in the new year by kissing random people they just met, I'll be here with TheKid staying up watching movies and hanging out till she passes out sometime after midnight. Then it's online with me to laugh at all the drunkards trying to act sober. Great fun!

Anywho, I'm off to clean the cat litter (blech) and figure out what I'm going to feed TheKid tonight. I know we're going to bake some cinnamon raisin bread today, but one can not live on bread alone. I hope everyone has had a great year, and if not, then I hope 2008 will be a better one for all.

Lots of love -Luggy
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