a chance to visit scenic North Carolina? I'd rather light myself on fire.

May 30, 2012 04:13

This just in from the Escapist:Hi guys!

We'd like to let you know that free early VIP registration for The Escapist Expo is drawing to a close. Friday June 1st will be your last day to upgrade weekend passes to VIP status free of charge, so if you haven't made your purchase yet you might want to hurry.

Upgrading your pass to VIP means special access and perks around the show including an exclusive badge pickup line, early access to the big Saturday Night Party and Performances, reserved seating for Friday Movie Night with MovieBob, priority queue for the Chest High Walls Lasertag Arena and more to come.

While nothing is better than free, after Friday it will still only be $10 to upgrade a one-day pass, or $15 to upgrade a full three-day pass.

If you've already purchased your tickets, thank you very much for your support and enjoy those free VIP upgrades!

We look forward to seeing you all at the show,

- The Escapist Staff
Yeah, there's only one problem with that. The Escapist Expo is taking place in Durham, North Carolina, and currently, I'm not going to touch that city with a ten foot pole, because they suck.

What's even worse? This law is completely redundant, because same-sex marriage was already declared illegal.

So no. Screw North Carolina. And screw the Escapist for setting it there. I don't care if it's your home town, guys, your home town sucks and it's unfair to ask people to go there. Not only no, but fuck no. It's not happening.

bigotry, gay rights, religion, marriage, politics, marriage rights, human rights, homophobia

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