The awkward moment when you're written over 3000 words on your big Blaine Theory, and you haven't even nearly finished (and may never be because you never finish anything), plus you have infinite other feelings about trying to relate Klaine to the Cinderella archetype and Jane Austen novels and oh, don't even get me started on all my feelings about
rm 's post about how Kurt is a magician and how that got me thinking about the Pied Piper and all sorts of other crazy things that filled up about 10 pages in my journal and-
At which point I remember the Religion History essay sitting open on my computer which is due tomorrow that I still have to do a critical bibliography for (plus it's about 400 words too long but who's counting. Not me, and not my teacher if his previous marking is anything to go by.) Or the 2500 word essay I have to write on 'persepctives of self and other' Henry James and Fight Club (because they so relate) by Friday. Or the History IP that's not going to do itself over the holidays and all the OTHER study I've got to do.
But it's so hard when I have so many feelings...
Oh well, my Drama performance went well today, considering we were one member down and had about two hours to finish/perfect it. *single clap*
... I'm just wasting time now. Farewell.
-Goddess of Green (totally going to call myself that now because it's not pretentious at all).
P.S. Are you proud of me for working our HTML, LiveJournal? ARE YOU PROUD OF ME?