Jun 23, 2011 23:01
So close to holidays. So. Close.
So LiveJournal, I have many things to tell you. About Choirs and Road Trauma Forums and Over-Identifying and Pottermore and warblin' on a riverrrrrrrrrrrr...
But now is not the time, because I still have 1000 words left to write of this essay that seems to be more trouble than it's worth seeing as it has absolutely nothing to do with end of years marks but absolutely everything to do with my English teacher's opinion of me...
Anyway, two more days and I shall be (partially) free... Though I may die before then.
In other news: I have been listening to Darren Criss' performance of "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" from the ASCAP Gala on repeat all evening. And every time I still marvel at how you could turn one of the most ridiculous songs ever written into something so smooth, and sensual, and full of some crazy emotion I don't totally understand and holyshitdarrenIneedacigarettenow...
But now I need to sleep. So look forward to that. Hopefully I'll be able to write some fic/meta/ANYTHING this holidays.
See you cats on the flip-flop laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
-Em (Goddess of Green)
EDIT: Also I have a userpic now. Everything is beautiful. Which reminds me I re-reading Slaughterhouse Five, yet again. Poo-tee-weet?
warblin' on a river,
what is this feeling,
school of rock references make my life,
mustard gas and roses,
i need a cigarette now,
darren criss,