2010-2011 Professor quotes

Apr 30, 2011 16:54

Excellet professor quotes for 2010-2011 school year. First term behind the cut.

Classes are: Fantasy, Shakespeare & the Drama of his Age, Latin, Contemporary Atlantic Canadian Women Poets

When I was a little girl we used to always have to document delivery...by dinosaurs."
- Kathymac

"Plato sort of has that effect."
- Malcolmson

"Some people are so dumb, they don't know they're dumb."
- Malcolmson

"I'm actually a pretty nice guy."
- Malcolmson

"[Elizabeth I] was sort of an equal oppurtunity stake burner."
- Cornell

"A crown is a good clue you're a king."
- Cornell

"He'd give them lots of presents, like Ireland."
- Cornell

"He's gotta settle all these wars to go have a better war."
- Cornell

"He kind of likes rebellious guys."
- Cornell

"You fall back on your newly discovered powers of the Latin infinitive."
- Kerr

"You just don't turn up on the day of the civil war."
- Cornell

"There are kings and then there are kings."
- Cornell

"Some plants are more noble than others. A strawberry is more noble than straw."
- Cornell

"He's been handed his balls."
- Cornell

"It's not like he powered up to the next level, got a new weapon and skills."
- Cornell

"We're much better at hockey players for heroes."
- Cornell

"Shakespeare gives you wrinkles."
- Cornell

"Why would beating up a bishop be a bad idea?"
- Cornell

"There's a lobster in my sewing machine!"
- Titus

"Bear: 1, Poet: 0"
- Kathymac

"Oaks are the king of trees."
- Cornell

"You've heard of Thomas Aquinas, right? Guy the university is named for?"
- Cornell

"Well, sorry pirates, I'm going home for Thanksgiving."
- Cornell

"That sounded too much like a Spanish dance for the Romans."
- Kerr

"To go through multiple sitting of Scary Movie? I think I'd kill myself."
- Cornell

"Fox is entertaining for a whole other reason."
- Cornell

"There's a least a million penis jokes."
- Cornell

"If nobody died, it was a comedy."
- Cornell

"If it looks a little like a penis it probably is: snakes, eels, shovels..."
- Cornell

"Followed the rainbow to the leperchaun who gave you a pot of queer theory."
- Kathymac

"I still want your brains."
- Kathymac

"It's a nice room, likely to be locked."
- Cornell

"That's when the gods drop an anvil on your head."
- Cornell

"I'm not actually sucking your brains; I'm turning you into poetry junkies."
- Kathymac

"Isn't the vulture just sweet in its own vulture-y way?"
- Cornell

"You don't ever have to do what your dwarf feels like doing."
- Cornell

"They're like the skankiest of all these guys."
- Cornell

"They can't all be happy hermaphrodite plays."
- Cornell

"Her eyes are accesories they're so big."
- Cornell

"Who doesn't love killer robots?"
- Cornell

"Hey, Greek cities, surrender!"
- Kerr

"The whale's probably a plot, probably one of those Catholic whales sent from Spain."
- Cornell

"Write a good paper and I won't eat your soul."
- Kathymac

"Wheelock's a million years old. Well, he's 65, which is old."
- Kerr

"Don't run me down, man."
- Kerr

"Dwarves are like human signposts."
- Cornell

"Ben Jonson had groupies, mostly young male playwrights."
- Cornell

"He's a pretty lame rival lover."
- Cornell

"Everytime you suspect a veneral disease joke, it is."
- Cornell

"You think it would be super depressing, worse than feeding pigeons."
- Cornell

"I Googled it because someone must've said something intelligent about it somewhere."
- Cornell

"This is because I'm a Trekkie."
- Cornell
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