Kids, Health and Happiness

Apr 25, 2013 08:41

me in Greenwich sitting on the steps of the Maritime Museum admiring the stone statues
Yesterday we drove down to London to see a Marfan Syndrome chest specialist, a lovely German Consultant who came in especially to meet with Joseph. It was the quickest London hospital appointment to date well that I've ever experienced anyway. The good news is that Joseph does not have any tumours growing in his chest cavity as originally thought when the doctors viewed his CT scan results a few months ago locally to where we live. He has developed another condition which led to his broken ribs but in order to fix it they have to practically cut Joe in half to get at the area so unless its all causing him considerable pain or it starts to disturb his heart valves, then its all being left alone. The Consultant did suggest that the new condition would become better with considerable weight loss, so at length we discussed options and I of course shared with him what I had done to shrink myself, he's writing to our family doctor to request everything I asked for so hopefully by the time we go in to see him after the big final end of year one project at uni goes in next week he would have received the letter and can treat accordingly. Praying its all straight forward for Joe, he was just over 130 kilos now has dropped down to 118 by becoming more active alongside me, so hopefully we can get that down to around 85 this year.
Driving in the limo down to London was so smooth, the motability car went back on Tuesday, its official "I'M NO LONGER A REGISTERED ANYWHERE PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSON"
which of course makes me very happy and proud too

outside the Stephen Laurence Gallery, I've never worn a top with no sleeves before outside of the house so a brand new experience for me yesterday

truly a gorgeous day, we walked up along the Thames, the kids collected stones and shells for the bathroom display
All in all, yesterday was very special, lots to celebrate in that Joe can forge on ahead into year two of university without having to worry he has well the c word or anything like it, I can relax now knowing that I can run faster than Harvey, and the kids are well relaxed now they have an active mother with them doing physical things with them outside, Ivan and Imogen have never known this ME before so its fab to be doing active stuff with them more these days.
More pics to follow when I empty the other camera today.

kids, gym, diet, university, health, news, hair, exercise, limo, albinism

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