An Epic Week chez Jacobs-Grant

Apr 20, 2013 00:03

Another epic week in the Jacobs-Grant household, so far the girls and I have been to two Karate lessons this week starting on Monday, totally loving the new purpose built Dojo its just awesome. If you told me before I'd be going along with my two daughters to a Karate school, be taking part myself and actually keeping up whilst loving every minute of it I'd have said you were crazy but that is exactly what's happened, I especially love the family atmosphere of the place with all the family run sessions which feel so nice.
Aqua fit splashasize class was totally brilliant, I wore my new bright purple size 12 swimsuit for the first time this week, it made all the difference wearing something that fits me rather than one that was too big. Last week and the couple before that I found that all my loose skin was flying around independently in the water just wobbling but now with the new fitted swimming costume nothing moved around the middle so I felt a lot better without my tummy area moving separate from the rest of me. It all felt so good and I found I was able to do more this time as well because I wasn't worried about the operation site getting pulled awkwardly.
Thursday my beautiful son Lionel turned 22 years young, and we bought a new funeral limo car which is just divine

Lots of fresh food was cooked and consumed this week, I am loving being able to walk up and down where all the little shops are. Today I went shopping with Joseph, Angelica and Ivan into all the little Asian and Turkish shops where we picked up spices, fresh vegetables, salad and fruits plus herbs. The large bunches of fresh coriander were especially pleasing.
I love this time of year, on Sunday I'm cooking a special dinner for our German neighbour who was so completely kind driving me all the way home in the new limo yesterday, when we invited him his face lit up so I'm very much looking forward to preparing all the fresh food I bought today for him. All the way home we chatted about German history before world war one and lots of other Eastern European things, he was intrigued by my goal of travelling around Eastern Europe in the future when the kids are older so the dinner party should be great for conversation as well, I'm hoping to get into lots of Polish and German language conversations with him as well, had loads of fun chatting away in the car on the way home yesterday.
Joseph has been so kind and lovely this week forwards everyone, he took us all bowling earlier in the week, plus he's bought everyone something special, I am loving my two new CDs:

Caro Emerald's Deleted Scenes From The Cutting Room Floor

Michael Bublé To Be Loved
He also bought me a Yankee Candle Large Vanilla Satin Jar Candle which I just adore the scent of its gorgeous and very homely

I've been loom knitting new hat designs again, these ones I drew with Harvey about a year ago and they are turning out just as expected which is great, only thing is I dont have the time to knit for long periods in a stretch like before so its going slowly which is slightly frustrating but good at the same time as I dont want to sit for long periods any more.

Today Angelica and I went to the gym, we started our workout with a run around the 400m athletics track again, then spent most of the session doing strength training together. Free weights, lots of arms, shoulder, back and upper body work followed by four different leg weights machines. I didn't want to overdo things so didn't go on the elliptical trainer today but Angelica did and got up to a fast sprint at level 9 which was totally brilliant, she looked fantastic on there. I cooled down with a nice fast to stroll walk on the treadmill at the end then we went shopping together with Joe and Ivan.
Monday will come around so quickly now the weekend is here already, then we get to do it all again, gym in the morning the Karate class in the evening, Imogen is going to go swimming whilst we are in the gym so it will be a girls Monday, I think I'll take them to buy nail varnish to paint their toe nails before the Karate class as its bare feet for that so I think they'll like to paint their nails :)

kids, gifts, cooking, gym, karate, diet, university, health, hair, knitting, exercise, loom-knit, limo, albinism, house

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