Feb 05, 2013 16:52
OK in no particular order here are my thoughts of today:
I absolutely adore being a woman with albinism and my white hair. I've wrestled with this one so much over the years but now in my early 40s I accept and love this uniqueness about myself and embrace it completely.
I have officially now lost more weight than I want to weigh at the end of this incredible weight loss journey. This feels phenomenal to me. I have lost a whole 5 feet 2 to 4 inches person in body weight and it feels fantastic to be free of them let me tell you.
My BMI has dropped down to 35.7 WOW!
I can fit into one of my daughter's coats and wore it today with pride.
I like how everything feels at the moment, being upright for starters is just amazing after being stuck on my bottom sitting down for six years.
Cooking bariatric size meals has been challenging but its amazing to see how much concentrated nutrients I can squeeze into a meal the size of a 6 inch tea plate each day, today its tandoori style chicken breast fillets with mushrooms and broccoli which is all smelling absolutely delicious.
Being upright is causing me a great deal of happiness right now, I walked into the lobby of the hotel where I meet the weight loss management ladies, it truly did feel amazing to be able to do that on my own two legs instead of wheeling in the chair. The whole place looks so different from up high instead of from a seated position.
Can not wait to get back to the gym this week, seeing my surgeon as well that is going to be amazing too. I'm only 36 days post op at the moment which is shocking and I do have to keep reminding myself daily how soon it all is because its all going so well its difficult to sit back and take stock of it all like I'm doing now.
I feel more alive now than I have done since I was 17 years old. I like that and want it to continue.
I have such an incredible wave of supportive friends both online and in person who lift me up daily with messages, comments, love and sharing in the journey with me. It truly has meant so much to me more than I could ever put into words right now here, how much of a huge support system I have been blessed with. Everyone one of you has been incredible and generous with your love and I love you all so much for being there with me along this awesome ride. Long may it continue into the future, certainly this year 2013 is going to be filled with amazing challenges and celebrations as each milestone is passed.