Nov 11, 2012 13:04
Is this one of the hardest things I've ever embarked on? not sure if that's true but it is true that giving up smoking is mega difficult. Most of the time I'm ok then out of no where comes a massive urge to have a smoke, it starts off very mild which can be pushed aside but then it starts to grow taking on a life form all of its own like an angry person with straggly hair standing right beside me screaming into fits of rage that its not being fed, this grows and grows until one of two things happens, I stuff two thirds of a packet of strong air waves chewing gum into my mouth and hurt my teeth trying to compress all the little pieces into one giant lump to chew whilst sucking in cold air from an open window to enhance the effect of the mints OR I go into the bathroom and submerge my head into a sink full to the brim of freezing cold water.
Its a toss up to know which one of these two methods works the best, my money is on the freezing cold submersion because it wakes me up out of the stupor that I've been led into by the screaming thing character in my face which I can put up with for well over an hour but any longer than that and they have to be made to vanish as I can stand their presence no longer.
At this point it would be so very easy to just go and get some cigarettes, light one and smoke it followed by another and another and another until the whole box if gone and I have to go get another one.
I won't do that of course, I'm in this for the long haul and want the stopping this time to be permanent.
Stress factors, whilst trying to keep them to a minimum for some reason they are bouncing back stronger than ever too so now everything feels ultra stressful ultra big and ultra painful on every level especially psychologically.
When I get through this and come out the other side I know I'll laugh about it but at the moment can someone please remove my other head as she's driving me bonkers with all this screaming for a smoke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!