Friday Swimming Club - 2

Sep 28, 2012 16:42

Well today came around very quickly for me this time, no anxiety like last Friday so I went along to swimming club this afternoon determined to swim more than I did last week which was ten lengths of the 25 metres pool for a total of 250 metres. Imogen came with me this time so I felt much better, more confident I guess because I knew that if the worst came to the worst and my legs gave out preventing me from walking afterwards, she would easily be able to get help from hubby who was in the car just outside.
Well the aim was to swim twelve lengths of the pool, but today I managed to keep going for a full 45 minutes and swam 20 x 25 metre lengths for a grand total of 500 metres.
Last week I got out of the pool twice and sat on the side for a good ten minutes each time completely breathless, today I took no breaks only twice at the shallow end of the pool I paused for a few moments before carrying on further.
Feeling so completely and utterly proud of myself right now, I'm not aching all over as I'd expected, just across the abdominal area where the operation site is and my arms feel a bit weak but other than that I feel ….. healthier I think is an accurate description.
When I was going to get dressed Imogen commented on how excited I looked towards the end of the 20th length, the last five metres or so were really hard for me to manage but I was completely determined not to put my feet down and make it right to the end.
The feelings of being proud, elated even, are something I have enjoyed a great deal. I wasn't going to go next Friday because of the holiday planned for two days later and I didn't want to be too tired but I am definitely going now, maybe even get up to 22 lengths this time too, well that's the plan anyway.
One more thing I must say is that I quietly tried to ask about weight loss and keeping breasts, but it became impossible to do it quiet or in a desecrate manner so in the end I asked the nurse quite loudly and she got embarrassed when she realised what I was asking, when I came home the personal trainer Mikey telephoned me to congratulate me on my swimming efforts today so I simply asked him pointing out that I've always had them, I like the size of them and want to keep them, having looked after them completely during every pregnancy and breastfeeding afterwards I'm not going to let them go all saggy on me now and I fear that may have started as gravity is taking over and all my loose skin is hanging downwards. So now I have some more exercises to build into my every other day routine too but if they are going to help me keep my chest than bring it on.
Why do people get so embarrassed talking about breasts? thankfully the personal trainer didn't, I like him so much, just a month and already I can feel a huge difference in muscle tone around the center core of my abdominal area, never thought it was possible but sure enough everything feels like its doing me so much good I am very excited as my new shape develops and my body shrinks each week.

orlistat, swimming, diet, health

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