Tour de Fleece and Ravellenics Games 2012

Jun 28, 2012 12:35

July is almost upon us and so its "that" time of year where spinners everywhere are preparing for the Tour de Fleece and here in England you'd have to have completely lost the use of all six senses to not get caught up somewhere along the wave of excitement that is the London Olympics 2012, ravelry is therefore also preparing for the now renamed from Ravelympics to Ravellenics Games 2012. For me personally this is always a very exciting time of year, last year I could only spin the tiniest amount not even a quarter of a 100g braid but still entered it and got the winners medal ravatar, so this year Ive prepared fibres and can not wait to get started on Saturday which is the start of the Tour de Fleece. Official My Heart Exposed Friends teams for both events can be found here and here so I hope to see some of you sign up and using the MHE Friends ravatar with pride.

First up the TdF, here are my fibres that I'm hoping to get through this year during the event:

SOAR 2010 Crosspatch Creations Special Signature Blend, Wool : corriedale and romney crossbreeds, bombyx silk, tussah silk, viscose, bombyx silk and silk noil. This lot was a secret santa gift for Christmas 2011 from Pete Leonard

another gift from Pete there are six small batts made up like this: “I first blended quite thoroughly equal quantities of De-haired Llama and Merino from Adelaide Walker, I then layered approx 4g of this blend with 2g of merino probably from Wigham Woolworks, then 2g Tussah Silk from Adelaide Walker with a pinch of sparkle angelina from World Of Wool, 2g Merino Wigham, and a final 4g of lama merino blend”
To go with those six little My Precious bundles, I have swapped four larger 50g each batts with Pete and his wife for some MHE Fibres which will arrive next week as we are each posting to each other on Monday, can not tell you how excited I am about this, it will mean I get a substantial yarn out of what has to be one of the best Christmas presents I've ever received.

Almost impossible to photograph, these are gorgeous MHE Shetland and Tussah Silk braids hand carded together by my beautiful daughter Imogen, they are deep purple with hints of plum and of course, sparkles throughout.
For the Ravellenics Games I havent quite decided what I want to do yet in terms of events, there are so many to choose from, about as far as I've got is some fibre for the handspun heptathlon and signing up for three teams: MHE Friends, UK Spinners and Loominescent which is for loom knitters. So I guess I could say it will be something handspun and something loom knitted probably a toy.
Speaking of loom knitting toys, I am currently working my way through a new design Harvey and I came up with called the iLaps. Its basically a little friend for Harvey to take on his train journeys. I've finished the body, both legs and am now doing the arms, then I'll move on to the shoes and hands, detailing and finally filling him with fibre fill stuffing. Harvey is very excited and I think he said last night he's calling his travelling buddy "Robert" so watch this space for photographs soon, Harvey will turn the magical age of five on the 19th July, can you believe it? the time has just literally whizzed by over the last five years and I really do not know where its gone.
Currently listening to "Death in the City of Light The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris (Unabridged)" by David King which so far seems quite gripping.

christmas, gifts, mach2, spinolution, spinning, birthday, yarn, ravellenics, knitting, fibre, ravelympics, tourdefleece2012, loom-knit

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