Title: Romance Drabbles
Summary: Ten 100 word romance themed Petlar and general drabbles.
Raiting: K-T
Pairings: Peter/Sylar, Gen
Massage-100 words (Peter's POV)
Intuitive aptitude has it's upside. Sylar instinctivly knows what to do, where to go. I never really thought of the implications, but ooh, Sylar obviously did. One massage, one twenty minute massage, and I'm practically melting into the floor. His hands, oh the things his hands can do. I'd sell my soul to him to get this once a week. No, I won't even be that selfish, once a month, once a year maybe. Baby I'm yours just don't stop. This is gaining on multiple orgasm good, toe numbing orgasm good. Down, down, yes, right there, don't stop. Oh God!
Candles--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Candles aren't romantic. They're dangerous is what they are. In all those chick flicks men and women are just tearing their clothes off and throwing them aside. In real life that shit would catch fire so fast it isn't even funny. What's romantic about a visit from firemen and third degree burns? Nothing, thats what. I don't care how much Peter whines and begs and tells me it's romantic. I will not have sex to candle light. I won't be swayed. Really, I won't. Okay, maybe it's a little romantic, especially when he dresses like that. It's still dangerous though.
Wine--100 words (Peter's POV)
I had my first sip of wine when I was fourteen. My father had over some business friends, Italians, like from Italy. We were eating a hearty lasagna, that mom had actually cooked. Half way through they insisted that everyone toast to future success, even me. I got the feeling that mom would protest but dad shushed her pretty quick. He wanted to make a good impression. It wasn't all that great. I asked Sylar when his first taste was. He said at church with Virginia, and the look on his face told me he didn't care for it either.
Dance--100 words (Sylar's POV)
When I was a senior in high school I got invited to a dance by Maisey Barns. She had headgear and frizzy hair, and I was desperate. She stepped on my toes, spilt punch on my shirt, and when I went for a kiss I split my lip on her braces. It was the single worst date of my entire life. I hadn't danced since, until Peter asked me to his high school reunion. I protested at first but he gave me those puppy dog eyes and I caved. Peter was graceful and careful. And one hell of a kisser.
Moonlight--100 words (Peter's POV)
Children will believe almost anything. I was no exception, if anything I proved the rule. And when I was little Nathan told me that standing naked, on the roof, under the moonlight would help my wishes come true. I was skeptic at first because he gave no reasoning, but I caved. I did it twice before I came to my senses. But after Nathan died I found myself up on the roof, naked, wishing with all my might that Nathan got into heaven. When Sylar joined me I noticed how sad he looked in the moonlight. He remembered Nathan's lie.
Kisses--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Claire once asked me if I was going to eat her brain; which is totally disgusting by the way. I only touch them because I have to, in those situations anyways, to get what I want. I have to prod around to dig out the information needed. But I've never really wanted to touch them, let alone get my lips on them. Just recently though I've found an exception. I have the strangest urge to kiss Peter's brain, right where the empathy is hidden. I told him as much and I think he understands why. That makes one of us.
Forever--100 words(Peter's POV)
When I got back Cellular Regeneration I thought about forever. I thought about how lonely it would be, with only Claire to keep me company. I agonized over it, over the fact that I'd lose my human interaction. It ate at me inside and encouraged me to figure out ways to end myself, honestly and truely end myself. Sylar snapped me out of it. Sylar, Sylar, Sylar, he'll be with me forever. Forever and ever he'll be by my side, keeping me sane and keeping me company. We'll have the longest relationship in history. I'm sure of it. Eternal love.
Aphrodisiac--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Women's magazines are always boasting about natural aphrodisiacs. Oysters and chocolates are suppose to get your blood burning. I'm sure there's merit to it, but I've never tried. I don't need to. I've got the best aphrodisiac in the world right here, myself naked. It is one hundred percent gaurantteed to get me laid. Now I'll be honest, there was a time when this wasn't the case. I had awkward teen years and nerdy adult ones, but that's all in the past. Now I'm a grade A sex symbol. Peter couldn't resist this if he dug his own eyes out.
Chocolate--100 words (Peter's POV)
Oh chocolate, how I love thee, let me count the ways. Seriously, chocolate is like to food of gods. It tastes good smothered on fruits, cakes, popcorn, and ice-cream. Over my lifetime I've eaten bricks and bricks of it. White, dark, milk, it doesn't matter, it's all delicious. Mom always told me I'd get fat but I never did, so I kept on eating it, hunk after hunk. I always thought she was jealous of it. I understand though. Chocolate just tastes so damn good on everything. But it tastes sooooo much better when I'm licking it off of Sylar.
Champagne--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Ah champagne, we meet again. You're in a snooty fluted glass and I'm in a dark suit. Mama Petrelli is candering to guests and Peter is looking like he'd sooner chew his own arm off than talk to anyone. Claire is staring me down and Heidi's in a corner crying. This morning I was torn away from blissful nakedness and tonight I plan on diving back into it. When the food arrives I'll play footsie with Peter and mind games with Angela. But for now, Champagne, it's just you in a glass and me in a suit. You and me.