Title: Places Drabbles
Rating: K-M for language and situations
Summary: Ten 100 word drabbles in relation to different places.
Pairing: Sylar/Peter and General.
Office--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Cubicles are forgien to me. I made it all the way to my mid-thirties and I've never worked in one. I've never even worked in a formal office, not even when I was with the company. I had a space in my clock shop and a cell in Primatech. To me cubicles just seem cruel. You're half-way boxed in and you can half-ass a decorating job. The walls go half of the way up and cubicles just seem to point out that you got stuck half-way through your career. At least in a cell you know you've done something definative.
Park--100 words (Peter's POV)
Central Park is the only park in New York, well, the only good one anyways. It's lush, green, and well kept. I spent a lot of my childhood summers running up and down these walkways. There's something magical about the difference. It's like a little green wonderland hiding out in the concrete jungle. I don't think most New Yorker's appreciate it like I do. I'm sure Sylar does. He's the kind of guy that appreciates details. I wonder if he'd appreciate some risque public park sex? Maybe under a tree or on a metal bench. I'll be sure to ask.
Bathroom--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Public bathrooms are a breeding ground for filth and disease. I don't care how much bleach you use, some places just can not come clean. It's disgusting, revolting, and I won't have it. I caved on the candles, the flavored lube, the chocolate body sauce, and the public sex. But I absolutely refuse to take part in a quickie in a hospital bathroom. Peter can kiss the darkest part of my ass if he thinks that's gonna happen. And if he has the audacity to grope or fondle me when I go to the bathroom, I'm smashing his skull in.
Kitchen--100 words (Peter's POV)
I'm all about my kitchen, and my bedroom but that's mostly when I'm naked. But as an Italian, the kitchen is very important to me. As a kid I use to just sit in the kitchen, waiting to see something interesting. I'd hide inside the kitchen isle and listen to Mom gossip on the phone and Nathan rummaging through cabinets for snacks. That's where I heard my mother swear for the first time. It was the first place I saw a naked girl, Meredith. In my own kitchen I haven't had many firsts, but I'm hoping for a good one.
Subway/underground--100 words (Sylar's POV)
There was an arsonist that use to set hobos on fire in the subway. Could you imagine seeing that while riding by? Hooker to you're left, screaming kid on your right, and a flaming bum just outside you're window. I feel kind if jipped that I never saw it actually. I use to think maybe it was a bum who had pyrokinesis and didn't know how to control it, and that all his victims were just collateral. But a few years and a couple deaths later, I wrote him off as some asshole who wanted to watch the world burn.
Alley--(Peter's POV)
Theoretically alleys are great things. They offer shortcuts, storage, shade, and nice grid pattern on a map. In reality alleys are for escapes, trash, shady activities, and are never as through and through as you'd like. Sylar figured this out years ago, I'm still learning. But on the bright side, with Sylar at my back how much can I possibly get hurt? You know, if he doesn't get pissed at me on principle and beat me to a pulp on his own. Then he'd probably rape my corpse until I came around again. But I digress. Try to avoid alleys.
Airplane--100 words and 1 number (Sylar's POV)
"Plan 9 From Outter Space" was my favorite movie as a kid. It was full of horrible acting, terrible special effects, and only mildly attractive actors. But I watched it over and over. It was the only sci-fi movie Virginia would let me watch and I loved it. It was my "Jason", my "Aliens". But to this day the only real critisim I have for it is the first airplane scene. I didn't care about the string on the UFO or the horrible reactions. No, I always wondered why there were passangers on a millitary plane. What were they up to?
Changing Room--100 words (Peter's POV)
Not enough room for this, not enough room, not enough--Ohhhhhh. Okay I see what he's driiiiving at. That...that's nice. Now I just have to--oh right there--keep quiet. Mmm, that tongue is positively sinful. Right there, right there! Ooh, if he just sucks a little....wha? Oh no, did I say something out loud. NOOOO! No, don't stop. I can be quiet. See, listen to me now, being all quiet and such. I'm almost there Sylar, don't be a tease. A smirk? A smirk!? He'd better wipe that look off his face or----ooooh, that's nice. Habamskinfaaaloveyou.
"Dressing room: check."
Beach--100 words (Sylar's POV)
I've only been to the beach once in my entire life. While I was there I killed and cremated Elle Bishop. I've never had the urge to go back. It left a sour taste in my mouth, but that wasn't it. I just never felt greatly one way or the other towards beaches. So when I did what I did with Elle, it just reinforced that there's nothing special about the beach. I didn't look at the tide and have an epiphany or have a calming walk through the sand. It just was, and what's so special about those experiences?
Forest--100 words (Peter's POV)
Un-fucking-real! How in the hell? I mean, really? Come on, that's just not right. I'm not...I can't...how does that even...You know what? I'm not going to worry about it. I'm certainly not going to go down on it. It's surrounded by a damned jungle. But he can always shave it.
Oh no, I've upset him. An upset Sylar is a dangerous Sylar. But what did he expect? Has he ever shaved around it? I didn't even know that much hair could grow there, and it's so thick.
"You're not going back on your word?"
"Shave it first!"
Why yes that last one is a crack drabble about Sylar's dense, unmanageable pubic hair. I just had an image in my head and couldn't resist.
Haven't seen "Plan 9 From Outter Space"? Watch it. It is literally acclaimed as the worst film ever made. The best worst film ever. Almost everyone in the movie bizz has seen it. It's horrible but to the point of being funny. Here's a run down of the plot: Aliens make people into zombies so they can invade Earth and eliminate them as a threat to the universe. They think humans are making a bombs and other weapons too fast for them to realise the implications. Yes, I did say alien created zombies to protect the universe.
And I don't think the plane is actually suppose to be a millitary plane, it just looks like one during the first shot. The director used really crap props and some stock footage. And older planes looked a lot like millitary planes to begin with, I figure a kid might not catch the difference. I thought it was a millitary plane for a while.