May 22, 2010 17:15
Title: Food Drabbles
Pairing: Peter/Sylar, Gen
Summary: Ten 100 word drabbles. Some are Petlar, some are gen.
Rating: K-T, for language.
Stew--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Stew is the poor man's food. I should know, I've been there. Ingrediengts are cheap. It's filling. And if you get the proportions just right, it tastes pretty good too. You can stretch the meat with extra vegetables, and you can use just about any meat you want. For me, and Virginia, it was always what was on sale. It was a dinner staple. I should've known rich boy Petrelli had never had it, so I'm making it for him. I'm even going all out and using beef-tips. If he doesn't like it, I know where he can shove it.
Ice-Cream--100 words (Peter's POV)
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream. Except for Sylar, he flips his shit for ice-cream...and skittles...and sour patch kids. I swear, if it wasn't for his regeneration he'd be as fat as Doyle. Or maybe it was all the running away he did. But either way, he is far too fascinated by ice-cream. It's like he needs it. If I had known he was so crazy about it back when we were enemies, I would have planned our fights along the path of the nearest ice-cream truck or in front of ice-cream parlors. Mmmm, ice-cream...
Guacamole--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Guacamole belongs in one place, and one place only, burritos. Don't waste it on chips or spread it on enchilada's. That's just a shame and a gross misuse of a wonderful avacado. That kind of pastey sweetness belongs slathered on top of seasoned meat, cheese, vegetables, and under a flout tortilla. And don't pull that lime twist bullshit. Citrus does not belong in burritos and therefore has no place in guacamole.
I discovered this little culinary secret when I was on the run with Maya. It only had a home on burritos. I would know, I know how things work.
Gumbo--100 words (Peter's POV)
I always imagined gumbo as a Louisiana thing. It's natural habitat. It never occured to me that people ate it in other places. Apperantly I was wrong. Gumbo is popular in Haiti, or at least Renee's hometown. I'll assume hometown just to be safe. He brought it over as a thank you and now it's just sitting the middle of my kitchen table, and I can't do anything but stare at it. I'm not sure if it looks good or not. It just looks like...stuff. Maybe I'll have Sylar taste it first. Yeah, I'll go get Sylar.
Curry--100 words (Sylar's POV)
I'm suspicious. After the tea incident I haven't quite managed to bring myself to use green tea cups, or to drink Earl Gray. And I've been suspicious in general about anything Mohinder gives me. Curry is all fine and well but it's way to easy to hide drugs in it...or drugs mixed with poison...or drugs and poison mixed with curare. Yeah, I think Mohinder's at that level of vindictiveness.
Ohhh...but it looks so tasty. Maybe I should risk it. One bite couldn't hurt. Yummmm, Mohinder's curry. I'll have to bring some home for Peter. If I live.
Strawberries--100 words (Peter's POV)
Something like one in five people are allergic to strawberries. I think that statistic is bull. I've made it a point to research the actual numbers but I always seem to get distracted. Anyhoo, I seem to have been one of those people, the one not the five. But that's all in the past. Now I can regenerate. Now I can fight off anaphylaxis. So I bought myself a big tub of strawberry ice-cream, complete with real cut up strawberries.
Meh, I don't see what all the hype is about. Kind of bland and bitter if you ask me.
Barley Sugar--100 words (Sylar's POV)
Why do old people always have Barley sugar candies on their coffee tables? It's either barley sugar candy or butterscotch. Is it some right of passage for when you hit fifty? Is there some sort of secret society where elderly people with canes and walkers under their cloaks bequeath you a bowl of barley candies? Barley candies that noone eats ever. It's like they're laced with poison and they're daring children to eat them. I bet Angela does lace them with poison. She knows I like candy. She's tempting me with nasty candy because I deflowered her sons ass. Bitch.
Cream--100 words (Peter's POV)
My first girlfriend told me that cream was heavy and that if you ate it, it would turn into bubbling churning fat under your skin and then you'd be ugly. She was serious. We broke up and I immediatly used a bunch of heavy cream mixed with cheese to make the best macaroni cheese I ever had. It was rich, creamy, and very fattening. But lo and behold, I didn't gain twenty pounds in a snap and turn ugly. Instead I took a nice long nap on the couch. Then I thought about what else I could use cream for.
Apples--100 words (Sylar's POV)
I've always liked apples. They're my favorite hand fruit. What's not to love about apples? I certainly can't find anything. Peter prefers oranges, for the vitamin C and the tang. I've tried to prove him wrong and after several months of apple munching, I've given it up as undoable. Everyone likes a certain fruit right? But while I haven't gotten him to appreciate the taste like I do, I think maybe I can get him to appreciate them for another reason. I'm plotting out how to violate him with an apple at this very moment. I'll make him love apples.
Mint--100 words (Peter's POV)
I tried to grow mint once. I was twelve I think and I won a small pot of mint at school in agriculture. I was really proud of myself. I ran home with it that day, intent on showing my dad. I just figured that if he loved plants so much, maybe we could bond over it. It was a really stupid idea but I was hopeful. He told me flat out that if he saw it in his nursery he'd uproot it and throw it in the garbage disposal. But at this moment it's thriving in my Mothers' kitchen.