Meeting happening ,fulltime ahead one way or another

Dec 09, 2007 02:11

If your a friend, THANKS, then you've probably been following the saga of my transition,if not well ya can always check the archives :) Anyway wednesday i'm getting my hair styled and either colored or some streaks or both,but the point is no going back and forth between Ken,Keri, Ken,Keri anymore and i confronted my boss again, cause Wednesday is 3 days away and i won't be able to come to work on thursday as Ken. Thursday's the day i put all our new movies together,build trailer packs and ship out the movies that have ended their run,kind of an important day to be at work!He asked again whether i wanted to tell the staff or did i want him to do it.I told him it would hold so much more weight if he had a meeting explaining my situation and that he was behind me 100%.I told him i'd be glad to answer any questions the staff may have when i come to work on thursday.So the meeting gonna be either monday or wednesday,both my days off!I'm so scared,it's not that i work with the staff directly,but i do spend time in the theater lobby and i do talk to some of the staff on a regular basis.There was an assistant manager in the office when i asked my boss and i just came out to her then ,and,well the same reaction i've gotten from everyone else, a look that deserves to be on you tube,she said she had no clue,traces of makeup,very smooth face,long hair for a guy,people just see what they want!She told me that there is a transgendered girl whose parents work in the mall and that she goes back and forth between male and female, and was in the theater tonight,i wish i could have met her.I'm scared,i do need to find a better paying job but like i've said, it would be nice to stay for awhile and just get use to being Keri all the time.I am worried about my safety,no job and especially this one isn't worth being hurt or even killed.I do see a move in my future,but i couldn't wait till then to go full time.Three days and counting,i've waited forever and now it's here,will it work,not work,i guess i'll know soon,wish me luck,more than that wish that i'll be safe!Before i go two really cool things,First i just got my latest paycheck,pay to the order of Keri R.Green.the second, i was on the phone calling to change the name on my credit cards,one woman acted like i was a disease and she might catch it,another woman was ok with it but the third girl was so awesome.By the time i began to tell her what i wanted i was a little down and tired of explaining,so i came right out and told her.I could almost see the smile on her face,she was so nice and so happy for me,she made me feel so good and then when i thought it couldn't get any better she said can i call you miss Green,i just wanted to hug her through the phone.She ended our conversation by saying is there anything else i can do for you miss Green,and i told her you just did :)
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