where to start,beauty salon and fulltime for 4 Days,ears pierced!

Dec 17, 2007 04:58

So much to tell,but i'll try to tell it as i happened,my brains a little numb,working so many hours,so i could take a full saturday off to be with BARB!she so Rocks,she's an awesome woman that i owe so much to,anyway this is how it went. I had an appointment to get my hair cut and wasn't sure what else till i got there.It all happened on wednesday,i've never been to a "salon" and never spent more than 11.00 dollars for a haircut,those days are gone forever,lol! I met the girl,Lisa,that was going to try and work her magic,magic the operative word,and she said we won't do anything too drastic,we'll layer and give ya some bangs.I wasn't sure about the bangs but she said not the short across your forehead bangs,trust me,;) She brings me the kinda color wheel with swatches of hair and we decide on on kinda blondish highlights and then the fun begins!I felt like a canvas and she was gonna do what she could to make me, well,pretty,and i found out pretty aint easy!She pasted my head with the coloring we agreed to and i felt like i was in a sitcom,so much going on with other clients and it felt a bit like i was undercover doing a piece on beauty salons.Well the bottom line was when she finshed i just couldn't believe it,i gotta say my hair looked awesome.She styled it,layered it but the length is almost the same,but the highlights make me look so much better,and we're gonna do it again in like 8 weeks.It was such a cool experince but i'm gonna have to get another job,being female costs so much more than i realized but it's so worth it! So it's thursday and i'm getting ready to go to the work as Keri for the first time,it's gonna be my first day living fulltime time!I was so happy and so scared and as i went out the door a feeling of panic just shot through my body.I got in the car and began my short drive to work and as i got closer i got more nervous but then this feeling of happiness and relief came over me and i just thought well i'm here in the parking lot so whatever happens,happens,it's not like i can go home a change into ken,those days are over!I walked through the parking lot and as i was about to open the door to the mall,a guy ahead of me held the door and smiled,and i breathed a sigh of relief and actually began to smile.The walk through the mall was a bit frightening cause people know me by sight.I ususally come to work in my black pants,theater polo shirt,but today it was a nice pair of ladies jeans and a red sweater,and of course the new haircut and highlights,no guy here,lol!I kept my eyes down pretty much but did look up and i know i was seen by some and it must have been what the !!!!!I walked into the theater,and my boss says hi how are ya doing and i just said i was a bit nervous but good and he told me how the meeting about me went. He said there was some snickering,some laughs and and overall,i don't believe kens' gonna become a woman,no way!!!!!My boss went on to explain my situation as i told it to him and by the end of the meeting most of the staff were cool with it a few of the guys we're confused and not sure how they felt.I went up to the booth got all the films ready to go and within 30 minutes or so all films were on screen and it was time for me to go downstairs to the lobby,my heart was serously pounding!!!!!!! i walked upto the cashier/concession area and the cashier,a young guy who ironically was in one of our theaters when a customer called me ma am,just looked at me smiled, and said hi KERI!and that kinda sums up my first day,so awesome.There was some uneasiness among the staff and only a few could call me
keri,but i could tell they were trying to be cool with me.The next three days went pretty well,things are of course different but i feel ok about hanging out in the lobby,i didn't think id' be able to do it.I was kidding with one of the new girls,she started aweek ago and in that time i went from ken to keri.When i came down from the booth i saw her in the concession stand and went back to talk to her,she didn't say anything about my transition but just talked and kidded me about a popcorn kernel that flew out of my mouth as we were talking and we kinda hung out between her sales till i had to start a movie.We have a gay guy who's a friend of the mananger and has become friends with everyone at the theater,he likes to kid the straight guys and he didn't know about my transition.I saw him as i opened the booth door to enter the lobby,and from that distance he didn't notice anything.when i got close he just stared and stared and!!!!!!i said i don't know if you heard but i'm transgendered and he just couldn't get any words out and then he said that's so cool and told me about a young male to female girl he's helping in her transition and he wants me to meet her,kind of a support thing.He also said i just didn't see it ,i would have never known!So the first four days are over,not nearly as bad as i thought they'd be but there's so much ahead and i know it's not gonna be easy and i did see people checking me out in the theater lobby,not sure what they were thinking or if they were only looking at me,could have been someone else. I took saturday off to spend an early christmas with Barb,she's gonna be out of town for the holidays.We went to the mall and first on the list of things to do there was getting my ears pierced.Barb gave me a gift certifiacte for my B day back in July,but i wasn't ready at the time.So we got to the store and before i knew it i was sitting in a chair and i just hearing that whatever it is go through my ear was a little scary but it was over in a second and my smile went on forever.We did some shopping and had dinner and a few bottles of wine at her house.We hung out, downloaded some tunes,and with the help of the wine kinda had our own karaoke session with a little guitar hero 3 thrown in.I didn't want to leave her house but i had a 12 hour shift to do and being there and awake helps,lol.Just before i left she gave me 4 pairs of shoes,a pearl necklace and My christmas present ,an awesome pair of gold hoop earings to wear as soon as i can remove the ones i'm wearing now. Barb,if Karma does in fact exist i hope your kindness is returned to you 1000 xs over,you've been there from the beginning,thanks for everything you've done to help me become the woman i've always known i was and can finally be ***Hugs***
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