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Comments 14

mustbethursday3 May 1 2015, 07:41:29 UTC
I think I have the timezones correct, someone correct me if I don't :D

EDIT: Actually, I might be wrong. I might have the day wrong. But the times right? I don't understand why you US-ers insist on being the past but it's confusing for me.


mustbethursday3 May 1 2015, 07:44:08 UTC
So just imagine that says 1 May, and minus a day from whatever it says next to your nearest timezone and we're good.

I have so much gifing to do!


mustbethursday3 May 1 2015, 07:46:33 UTC
Also, as much fun as it could be to ask questions directly related to the comic (like the suggestion says), I think questions about the characters and series in general would much more be more satisfying - whether he'll answer them is another thing :/

So do what you will.

Lol that is the cheesiest picture.


lizzy333 May 1 2015, 09:20:26 UTC
Honestly, I think we all should go and ask meaningful questions, because just look at all the raging ungrateful commenters on the Facebook page((( yes, we'd all love to have the show back, no they haven't been picked up by any network, yes we're all sad, no, Kripke and the others were in no way obliged to do the comics, and yet these "fans" are just yelling about not wanting "a stupid comic". *facepalm*

I don't even like comics, and I'm super skeptical about these but I'm sure as hell going to go and thank him for what they're doing because it shows they care. And I'm really afraid he's going to get a lot of hate during the Q&A (((


mustbethursday3 May 1 2015, 15:29:27 UTC
I was thinking the exact same thing. Coz this is one of the rare times that everyone will have access to him.

He doesn't have twitter or anything (for good reason). People are probably going to take advantage.

And omg those comments and all the likes make it even worse. I don't understand how they can be so single minded and ignorant. They're acting like children (but from their profile pics a good deal of them are way past that stage).

I don't even like comics, and I'm super skeptical about these but I'm sure as hell going to go and thank him for what they're doing because it shows they care.

Exactly. Kripke created it. Hired the right actors. Believed in it. But it never really had a chance to earn a large audience, and now he's trying to do something nice for us, the people who DID watch. Who enjoyed it even.

I don't read comics. But I did as a kid. And I can't see any logical reason not to try it :)


lizzy333 May 1 2015, 21:27:05 UTC
I know, right? They're all like petulant children and it looks like they're the majority of the commenters there!

I read some comics as a kid too, but it was not really a popular genre in my country, not like it is in the US, and now I have checked out some comics but mostly for stuff I love that was cancelled (Buffy, Firefly, now this) because I care about the story, I don't like the art style, so I wouldn't willingly pick up a random comic book to read it, but this? I'm definitely reading it through and through)))

Also, thanks to our amazing fandom I've got closure thanks to tons of fics that have been written (and are still being written, a year after cancellation, I'm so happy!), but it'd be nice to see THEIR perspective!


ivy_b May 1 2015, 13:24:08 UTC
2.30am is a bit late for me, so I doubt I'll make it. Hope good questions are asked and someone posts a recap here.


mustbethursday3 May 1 2015, 15:21:37 UTC
Yes, 4:30pm seems like a weird time to schedule it.

I mean a bunch of Americans will still be at work/in transit, and it's such an awkward time for half the world.

I'll post a recap if sleep deprivation doesn't addle me too badly. (mid to late next week's going to be busy for me, so I'm getting most of my gifing and fun out of the way this weekend)


ivy_b May 1 2015, 15:34:41 UTC
Don't kill yourself over it if you can't and are too busy/sleep deprived. You can always check back later and let us know the important stuff answered, if you remember. And if not, it's also ok.


marciaelena May 1 2015, 14:13:56 UTC
Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the 'treasure' they'd be looking for in S3 was a huge amount of supplies?


mustbethursday3 May 1 2015, 15:18:44 UTC
Yes, but what kind of supplies would be of particular use to them...and why?

They basically camp all the time. In between waging all their wars.

And it's been 15 years, so it's probably not edible, and medicine and that wouldn't keep too well without a controlled environment... weapons are only good if you have an enemy...

It just seemed like a bizarre thing to want to create an arc around, unless they're rebuilding the republic and they need to fortify. And I don't really like the word 'treasure' - It just makes me picture mountains of gold. And dragons.


marciaelena May 1 2015, 16:15:08 UTC
If you read survivalist forums lots of them say that canned foods can last for a long time, decades even, as long as it's not acidic (like tomatoes, for instance). White rice can last forever too. Powdered milk and eggs can also last a long time, and salt and sugar too if packed right. Wheat can also last a while. So if they found a large stockpile of these foods that had been properly stored, like in some forgotten underground government bunker or whatever, it's conceivable that the food would be edible ( ... )


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