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Comments 14

sasha_b May 1 2015, 14:35:35 UTC
Tday I hope you'll post a recap if you can? *puppy eyes*


mustbethursday3 May 1 2015, 15:13:02 UTC
I will :D

I sort of planned a major gifing session tonight (I decided I was doing the major ships/dynamics and I'm up to 3 of a list of 14...not including Jeremy or Maggie. I want to complete at least 2 more - Miloe and Marlie), but if I have any sense left by the end of it I'll post a recap... or else you'll have to wait 7 hours while I get some sleep XD

Legitimately thinking I should draft questions now so I can just copy and paste and not have to worry about being too tired to form sentences.


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