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marciaelena May 1 2015, 16:15:08 UTC
If you read survivalist forums lots of them say that canned foods can last for a long time, decades even, as long as it's not acidic (like tomatoes, for instance). White rice can last forever too. Powdered milk and eggs can also last a long time, and salt and sugar too if packed right. Wheat can also last a while. So if they found a large stockpile of these foods that had been properly stored, like in some forgotten underground government bunker or whatever, it's conceivable that the food would be edible.

And besides food there are lots of other items that would be considered 'precious' in their world. Boots that are good for walking long distances, clothes (especially winter wear, I'd think), blankets, camping gear, hell, even sunglasses and hats. And yes, there might even be some medicine there, and of course weapons and ammunition. It's always good to have some of that even if there are no specific enemies in sight--it's a hostile world, after all.

Treasure does bring gold and jewels to mind, but in their reality I think these things would be a lot more valuable than gold or diamonds. Also, maybe they wouldn't keep the supplies just for themselves but share them with other people?


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