Jul 20, 2008 23:43
He still doesn't get it.
He makes official conditions on character matters and plot that he never even told me about until after the fact. I'm so sick of dealing with this unorganized guild. I swear, writing RP's is supposed to be a fun, group effort, not this one-sided, mmkay-I'll-go-along-with-it mess.
Can I just make a note that this is mostly for my own benefit of just letting off steam?
He's reading what I wrote as I type this, and taking awhile to get back. It makes me wonder if I really hit him hard, but it's gotta be let loose. Since the day we met, he's been creating these characters that make no sense, and refuses to let anyone else in on the action. He's my friend, yeah, we've known eachother for like a year now. But come on, in matters of guild organization, I can't do this. I'll stay to puppet my characters, but nothing else. Even that's up for question. I'm leaving mine to live happily ever after, and his characters can come join in if they want. Whatever.
And here's where I test out what I say to him PM wise:
"It's mostly that you never asked me about any of this before you took action. I know you're captain, but you made me vice captain. That alone says that I'm here to be a fill-in for you. I'm in charge, too. And, quite frankly, I'm sick of being taken along for the ride. From the very first RP we were in, people said you overdid things. Don't say that what you do isn't god-modding, because it definitely is.
On characters: Your characters are a direct extension of you, which alone makes them Gary-Stus. It's ironic, but that's what they're called. It makes them all predictable, overpowered, and uninteresting in such great numbers. You never want to give them a trait you think is wrong. But, that's what characters have to be: other people. It's not you, it's someone else entirely. Do you think my villains are in any way a part of who I am? No, of course not. I'm not a murderous raving lunatic hiding behind genius. My heroes, yeah, of course maybe I'd think to myself, what would I do? But most of the time, they're going off, saying their own words, having their own flaws. I have a characters who are in no way who I am. It's possible, and you really need to try it.
Listen, we're friends, and this is practically business when it comes to the Guild. And, when it comes to that, I don't think you're running it right. You made the war so people would come. They didn't, not really. People just started joining. Now, you're crafting really complicated matters to attract more? It doesn't work that way. What brings people in is order, an intriguing storyline, and the possibility of them having a great adventure. They don't need massive gods threatening the universe. They just need a party and a world to see. Maybe a bigger goal, but it doesn't take much to have an adventure."
Lord, help me.