Tone it down!

Jul 19, 2008 16:47

RP's. Writing fun, creating characters, that whole scene. Fighting battles with a person you've fashioned out of dreams and visions, learning lessons with others who are no more permanent than your character.

There are some people, though, who just don't get it.

The latest RP blunder in the world of Kingdom Hearts: a war.

Now, to better understand this situation, in our RP, there is the world of Kingdom Hearts Castle. In this world is the castle, and another kingdom, the Kingdom of Souls.
One side is in charge of looking over Kingdom Hearts itself, the other, of the souls that come from these people.
I'm assuming, at least.

Our captain, someone who I've been friends with, has created an hierarchy of beings going from gods, elementals, muses, and humans. There are also angels and whatnot, I'm not sure where they go. But, here is where we differ:
they shouldn't exist in our RP.
At all.

We have a war going. Another I think shouldn't exist at all. I wanted happily ever after, and he pulls that. Ok, I think, whatever. I can go with the literary flow.
Until this little mishap just had to occur.

He uses one of his 'gods' to freakin' DESTROY every enemy soldier after HOURS of fighting in the first battle. The king died, sure, people were killed and hurt, sure, but they won because of this dude pulling of some majorly impressive ultra-powerful move that makes every soldier just magically die.
Doubleyew tee eff, mate?
Add that to characters who can destroy people into ash, kill them with also insanely powerful moves, with characters who can materialize anything made of solid matter and use to their advantage.

And there are two sides to this war again? Really?
The fat lady was singing before it even began! D:<

I'm trying to draw the situation, and it's not coming out right. But when it does, I'm uploading it on here.

Damn god-moding.
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