Hey folks! Have you watched Hetalia WS ep 30!?
Yeah, you can see a crazygreat character of Japanese in Nekotalia.
"Looks like ever meek Japaneko has finally gotten serious..."
"Japaneko turns into quite a demonicat when it comes to food matters, doesn't he?"
YES!!! That's it!!!! Japanese always think it over and stick to it!!!! Oh yeah, Nihoneko is definitely the very Japanese. I'm sure I follow him.
We have a crazy obsession about foods. I guess it looks like what you can't understand at all. (But I also suppose, Chinese and French must get it! Because they are the same kind with food matters.)
I have an example in my life. Now let me tell you.
Once upon a time there lived a Japanese girl. She was called Natsumi, and had a boyfriend who was from
Kyushu. One day, she fixed breakfast for them.
Her boyfriend looked at it, and said,
「鮭!? なんばしょっとね!? 朝には鯵やろ!」
Salmon!? What's going on!? You eat horse mackerel for breakfast, right!?
「鯵!? なんも、違うっしょ、朝には鮭だべさ!?」
Horse mackerel, huh!? No, you're something wrong. It's normal to eat salmon for breakfast.
No way, horse mackerel must be normal. I can't eat greasy fish like salmon in the morning!
「えー!? 北海道じゃ、朝ごはんって言ったら鮭っしょ!」
What's wrong with you!? You eat salmon for breakfast in Hokkaido! ※I'm from
But I'm not from Hokkaido. Anyway I want horse mackerel for breakfast.
(These Japanese words have accents. We use the dialect of Hokkaido and of Kyushu. It's not the standard Japanese)
So, I know, you couldn't understand why wethey had a fight with such a silly thing. But you can get what is the truth "Japaneko turns into quite a demonicat when it comes to food matters, doesn't he?". Yes, Nekotalia is right! Every food matter is always a big deal for us!!
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