Thoughts from Paternity Leave

Mar 25, 2008 21:06

I've been taking a little time off from work for the past couple days because of Ethan. It's been pretty cool- so far I've done a lot of cleaning and cooking and shopping for Beth and I've changed a bunch of dirty diapers.

Plus, I figured out that on, we get to watch movies and TV shows "Instantly," so I took an S Video cable and hooked Beth's laptop up to the TV and we've been watching some stuff online. So far this week we've seen Clue, Lady and the Tramp, It Could Happen to You, King of Kong, and a couple episodes of The Office and 30 Rock.

But, tomorrow is the last day I get to take off for paternity leave and Beth's really tired and also worried about what it's going to be like when I return to work. I think she'll do OK- but, I know that it's going to be a little difficult for her since she's pretty much doing it solo. She misses her mom like crazy. And our friends from Orlando. And even though my parents are coming to visit at the end of next month it's really not the same.

I gotta say, no matter how much I LOVE my job here (and I really do. I'm totally crazy about it) there's sometimes when I sort of wish that we could be back in Orlando. Beth's taken the move pretty hard. She had this amazing group of women who were friends and prayer warriors with her- and to make it more difficult, she was pregnant for the first 9 months we were here which made it really hard for her to do anything but schoolwork. And when schoolwork ended (in December), there was getting ready for the baby- practically alone (I helped of course, but she spent most of the day by herself so she probably felt alone).

I know that we're here for a reason- I was having a really hard time at work in Orlando- and now I'm at a job where I really enjoy going. I really enjoy being there and writing and stuff. I feel like I'm learning a lot and that the things I do really matter somehow. And that's really important. I just wish that it didn't have to be at the cost of my wife's happiness. I wish that both could happen simultaneously...

Here's hoping for a perfect world!

work, family, orlando, home, life, seattle, television, baby

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