Imagine that!

May 17, 2010 20:32

Answering the quiz_sshg for the first time, I got all options right and even won the chance to pick the next theme!

It feels as intoxicating as a hole-in-one on the first tie of one's first golf tournament. My inner Slytherin grins at the moment, drunk on power to be able to choose the next theme. I could get used to this.

The quiz was about House-Elves and featured our (Slytherin, but mostly pokeystar's) very own Hogwarts House-Elves Housekeeping Files, as well as its almost spin-off All Lathered Up and Nowhere To Go by voxangelus. It only lacked sylvanawood's One of Us to make it complete Slytherin OWL House Cup collection on house-elves.

Huge thanks to morethansirius for the quiz, the execution, the draw and most of all for the beautiful banner.



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