A best friend.

Jun 26, 2010 21:28

This world is so full of hate and confusion and misunderstanding. What people don't understand is that no two people can fully understand each other if they're not allowing themselves to be understood. People need to open up sometime in their lifetime.. because living a whole life without fully trusting anyone isn't really living.

Yeah, feeling trusted is a good feeling. But TRUSTING someone is an even better feeling. When you trust someone, you realize you can say things you've never said before. You realize that they won't judge you, no matter what. And you grow not to care who knows about anything anymore. As you trust people, it becomes easier to not have "secrets".. and it's just a really nice feeling when you can act completely crazy around someone to the point that you don't know who you are anymore.

You think that you are the person you are when you're around people. You think that you're you by the way you act or talk around your friends. But nobody is. That's not who you are. It might be 10% of who you are, 50%, maybe 90%. But never fully who you really are. That's why you act different around everyone. It's not just that everyone's different, so it just "naturally" happens that you act differently with different groups of people. You have your study friends, your party friends, your trustworthy friends, and then just friends. Each type of friend brings out a part of you that nobody else brought out before.

And that's who I think a best friend should be. I think a best friend should be the person who brings out all those things about you. Your best and your worst qualities. A best friend is somebody you can study with, party with, trust, and just be with. It's not always "somebody who is ALWAYS there for you no matter what" or "somebody who accepts you for ALL your flaws." Everything has a limit. Nobody can ALWAYS be there for you, physically and mentally. Nobody can ALWAYS ACCEPT you exactly for all your flaws.. because that means that the person isn't seeing you for who you are. It means you're not yourself around that person.

Everyone has flaws, and everyone has things they like and dislike. Everyone's a hypocrite. That's why there will always be problems. But a best friend is somebody who will not give up when these problems happen. A best friend is somebody who acknowledges that friendship isn't easy. A best friend isn't someone who will never be mad at you. It's someone who WILL be mad at you, but will get over it - because you will have moments when you're mad at your best friend too.

I think the same applies to love. There is no "person you just CLICK with" all the time. You may click at first. But then you get to know each other, and find your flaws, and get frustrated, and think "oh, she/he isn't the one because we don't click." Love isn't easy. It takes effort. "Clicking" isn't just getting along all the time. It's having arguments, but still wanting to be together despite those arguments. You know that feeling when you are so frustrated with somebody, and yet you just want to be with them? That's love. Nobody said love was going to be easy. Nobody said there isn't going to be any fighting. Nobody said that you'll never get hurt before finding love.

But nobody also said that you only get one shot. That's not true. You get as many shots as you let yourself have. The only reason anyone would ever only have one shot is only if they don't believe in themselves. Everything is a choice that you yourself are making.

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