Luckiesttttt personn everr.

Jun 25, 2010 01:28

I am so lucky. I complain way too much. I should complain less.  But I knew this day would come. The day that I felt like the luckiest and happiest girl ever. I wrote in my LJ before exams ended, that I WOULD be the happiest person ever, if it weren't for exams. Now exams are gone. But that's not why I'm happy.

I'm happy because I haven't felt like I have all the time in the world for a long time. I'm happy because I have the bestest (I know that's not a word, but still) friends anyone could ever hope for. I can trust so many people, and I don't feel judged.. I'm happy because my family is.. well, a family. My parents are together, and so is everyone else in my family except one of my aunts. I'm happy because I've had everything I could possibly want to eat this week, LOL. I'm happyyyyyy because I went shopping today (or, yesterday, since "today" ended like an hour and 30 min ago) and my mom bought me so many things. I know that makes me sound spoiled.. but it's not like she bought them for no reason, soo it's okay, right? She said it's because I worked so hard this year x) Anyways, everything we bought was on sale, so it's all good. I LOVE SALES.

I'm happy because I dyed my hair today and it actually turned out well. Or.. it turned out better than it ever has when I dyed it in the past. I can't wait to go to school tomorrow (.. or in 8 hours LOL) . Although my marks may not be all that great, and my essay will probably be terrible... I'm hanging out with Sarah, Yoon and Julian afterwards, which is awesome =) So far, I've hung out with Queena, Matthew Wong (LOL so random), Sai (LOL also random), Mikhaila, Sarah, and tomorrow Julian and Yoon.

So basically, I've seen everyone I wanted to see before I leave for Korea + more. I'll hang out with the church people on Sundayyy. I'm excited =)

Happy birthday Mikhaila! I know I've said this 2487235 times, and also in your yearbook.. but still. You are a wonderful friend who has always been there for me. I can tell you basically anything, and I am SO grateful and lucky to have met you. I am soo happy that we've never gotten into any arguments/fights, ever, and that I can tell you basically anything. I'm glad that you can act yourself around me *(that makes me feel really happy. =) It's like.. my goal. To get everyone to act themselves/be comfortable with me. LOL.) And, of course, you are a WONDERFUL singer. And you are soo pretty. If you ever call yourself ugly, or ANYTHING LESS than pretty, EVER AGAIN, I will actually be so mad. You have no idea how sad I get every time you're down about yourself, because those things are actually not even true. And, like I said before.. you're not a bitch, so don't ever think otherwise. "The fact that you think you're a bitch (especially when you're not) shows that you have a good heart." (or something like that. I wrote it in your yearbook ) . You're so fun to hang around and talk to, and you are JUST A GREAT PERSON, OKAY? I love you!

p.s. did I mention you're gorgeous? ;)
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