FFS Friday! *rant alert*

Feb 16, 2007 16:56

It's just one of those days...
I asked a couple of schoolgirls to stand up on the crowded train so a couple of full-fare paying adults could sit down. One of them started sobbing a couple of stops later and a couple of men started getting stuck into me about being 'mean' to the poor wee things. The older one bravely sobbed at me "I don't care if you call my school, I'm going to tell them how horrible you are and they'll understand." I suggested that she may wish to look after her sister instead of attempting to make me feel bad. The man (mid-20s) sitting opposite me said I should stand up and give older sister my seat. I replied in the negative, suggesting that perhaps if I start to sob too he might feel sorry for me and stop picking on me. (in actual fact I am due for a knee op at the end of the month and wasn't going to give up my full-fare seat) The "Bad Natalya" crap continued to which I smiiled and said "where i grew up, concession holding students were required to give up their seats to adults". His reply "This is the 2000's love, get with the program, it's not like it was in your day" HUH? I said where... but never mind. I smiled and said "I'm not that old but think what you like." and promptly did what I do to all morons. Ignored him. Then another middle-aged man waged in, giving his seat to the other sobbing sister. I notice of course, that neither male stood up for any of the elderly women in the carriage. Their hypocrisy made me white with anger. Then the train stalled between Southern Cross and Flinders street, and i was stuck in the carriage with said morons while everyone else was hotly debating the "should adults claim seats if full fare or not" issue.
Got to work and had a debate with DreamBoss about the issue, and then lodged a "Connex Feedback" and I intend to lobby for a firm decision as to whether schoolchildren on concession fares should give up seats for adults or not.
We got a commercial loan with through MatesRates broker who demanded to know why we hadn't let him quote on an owner-occupied loan when we'd contacted him about a commercial loan. I explained we were very happy with our current broker and loan products and the only reason he got a look in was our broker can't do commercial loans. The final straw was when he sent me a table of comparisons with the header of "The Price of Friendship". Mates Rates, what a load of bollocks. Our current broker is the only one who has ever managed to come through for us, and he has the temerity after not taking my calls last week about ID forms etc, to actually suggest that he could do better. I don't think so. That pest got handed to the caramel to deal with as I just didn't want to hear it any more.
Does anyone remember the twitter and bisted designer we interviewed yesterday?
Hi WhingyWannabeDesigner,
Thank you for taking the time to come in and interview with Think. I'm afraid your application was unsuccessful at this time. Your work is good, your experience excellent, but your design style is not what we're looking for. If you want to get something fresh and unique into your portfolio, you may be interested in www.goodcompany.com.au. They are a resource for charities who need work done and don't have a budget. You would get unique folio work that can set you apart and they would get a great design job. A win-win situation.
Best of luck in the future WhingyWannabeDesigner, and thank you again for your time.

This is what I got back.

Hi StudioManager,
I guess it is just unfortunate for me that i dont have complete control over what work i have done in a studio that is run by un-appreciative retards in the capital of Australia. As you can imagine, and what has been reflected in my portfolio, the majority of clients are government. Which is why i have relocated to Melbourne- to further my career, but people dont seem to want to give me a chance. Its the same reply again and again, but i cant blame anyone. Just because its not in my portfolio doesnt mean i cant do it, but how are you guys meant to know that? When you are on a pathetic wage and have to support yourself its hard to buy the computer you want- or any for that matter- to be able to produce those 'outstanding' pieces of work, enter competitions and produce work that i know i can produce.
Anyway you dont need to hear a sob story. Thankyou for giving me the opportunity and guidance to continue this gruelling search for the right job.

Er yep. DB and I are still boggling. I'd better warn my employment agency that I referred her to. I was tempted to reply and point out the the real reason she didn't get the position was is not her work, it's was her awful attitude but I think I'll just take the weasel way out this time and say nothing. What a nightmare!

EDIT: I got an apology from the pushy broker. All good there. And decided that the WhingyWannabeDesigner deserved to know what the actual problem was. Yes, i'm a sucker for punishment.

I'm going to be brutally honest with you and answer not as the Happy Valley Studio Manager but as another human being who's been where you are.
It wasn't your work. It was your attitude. You badmouthed your previous employers, your current employers and behaved in an thoroughly unprofessional manner during an interview.
I understand how hard it is, it took me two years and a lot of hard work to break into the Melbourne design scene. There are a lot of other people who are in the same position as you. So do what the rest of us do - paste a big smile on your face, act cheery and enthusiastic and fake it until you make it. Save the bitching for after hours when you're with friends. They understand. Employers, clients and agencies do not.
Good luck,

I'll probably get accusations of meanness etc back... but hey it's worth a try. I might actually get through to her and it might give her the kick up the bum needed to sort herself out. Or she might be like other young women of my acquaintance who prefer to play the victim and blame eveyrone else rather than actually take responsibility for their role in situations that keep happening.

they said what?, fuckwit central, happy valley

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