The Comic Latin Grammar
A new and facetious introduction to the Latin tongue
By Percival Leigh
Illustrator: John Leech
A vowel is like an Æolian harp; it makes a full and perfect sound of itself. A consonant cannot sound without a vowel, any more than a horn (except such an one as Baron Munchausen’s) can play a tune without a performer.
Consonants are divided into mutes
[НВ1] , liquids and double letters
[НВ2] ; although they have nothing in particular to do with funerals, hydrostatics, or the General post office. The liquids are, l, m, n, r; the double letters, j, x, z; the other letters are mutes.
[НВ1]наемный участник похоронной процессии
[НВ2]A mail requiring double postage.