Backdated Session the Second [ Sachiko and Shikako]

Jan 17, 2008 22:41

Shikako sneezed once. Then Twice. Then third time. Stupid dust. She went back to rummaging in the dish cabinet for the good teacups (at her mother's insistence, of course). She came up with the pea green ones hidden in the back because her mother detested them. Good enough. Next she started picking through the pantry for some sort of tea-ly item. She pulled out the first canister she found, a Kukicha blend, fine not like she knew a fig about tea anyway. She emptied about an eighth of the canister in to the tea strainer and poured the water she had already boiled in the microwave over it. Cool. That was done, her mother's idea of hostess-ly duties done, Shikako went to go take a nap on the couch until Sachiko arrived.

rp thread, sachiko, january year 18, shikako

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