Ninja in the Night [Naruko, Sachiko, Sakurai, Inosuke]

Apr 05, 2008 16:43

Naruko had finally given up, she couldn't think of what to get Sakurai at all. All attempts had led to failure or had been shot down repeatedly by Inosuke. Which led to Naruko being very, very late at delivering the presents.

But when driven to the point of desperation, Naruko got brilliant. The moments of brilliance were usually very brief, but she clung to them with the determination of a drowning sailor clinging to the lifeboat. This plan took a bit of preparations, but that was fine, she'd taken a couple of days to get all the items she needed, and she was set.

She was probably going to regret this later, but that was later. Right now she was getting dressed. It was the middle of the night, which was, quite frankly, perfect for her plans. Forgoing her preferred oranges, she pulled every solid black item out of her closet and cobbled together an outfit perfect for stealth. Then she was off across the rooftops making a beeline for Sachiko's apartment.

Landing on the apartment roof as lightly as she could, she walked down the wall and managed to sneak open Sachiko's window. Easing her bag inside, she let it rest on the floor before following it. She didn't even get halfway through the window before Neko spotted her and let out a hiss.

Naruko hushed her as quickly as she could, offering a sliver of salmon she'd had sense to bring along just in case Neko took offense. With the cat taken care of, she wiped her hands off on her pants and got to work.

In less than ten minutes she was racing across the rooftops again, her 'package' bundled in a blanket and draped over her shoulder. She was lucky, Sachiko hadn't woken up as Naruko had swapped out her nightclothes for the dark blue bikini and tied her up in the red ribbon that was as wide as her palm. By the time she was done, Sachiko looked like the cat had attacked the ribbon spool and Sachiko had been caught in it. Save for a length of ribbon that had been neatly tied around her throat andleft in a huge bow in front. Naruko just hoped her luck would last long enough until she got to her destination.

Another break-in was just as easy, Naruko listening hard to see if either Inosuke or Sakurai were awake. Certain they were both asleep, Naruko crept through the house, snuck into Sakurai's room and finished the job.

With Sachiko now tucked into bed beside him and the belated birthday note attached to the ribbons, Naruko pulled out a camera and snapped off a couple shots before grabbing Sachiko's blanket and running like hell.

Printed on the note was an elegant Happy belated birthday, Sakurai. Hope you like the present.

Now all she could do was pray they didn't catch her.

inosuke, rp thread, sachiko, april year 18, sakurai, naruko

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