to make it an even three

Nov 15, 2007 06:17

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas Adams

~Here's another list; I promise it's the last for awhile, but I'm in a hurry and I'm very tired and I'm doing this little thing called NaBloPoMo that requires me to blog even if it might kill me. So, in the spirit of blogging about nothing, here is my schedule, in detail, for today and the rest of the week:


6:24 AM- Blog.
6:30 AM- Finish reading stories, study for 19th/20th Century Fiction midterm, write workshop critiques for Advanced Comp.
8:15 AM- Shower; get uniform ready to go and put it in trunk.
8:50 AM- Leave for school.
9:00 AM- When I will actually leave for school because I am incapable of being on time to this class.
9:20 AM- Arrive at Main Gate garage and run to class.
9:35 AM- Arrive late to class; teacher gives me death eyes. It's a good thing I'm one of two students in the class who are getting an 'A,' otherwise I think she might kill me. Start workshopping crappy essays.
10:00 AM- Leave class early because my group are idiots.
10:05 AM- Buy a chai from the Modern Languages coffee cart.
10:10 AM- Cram for midterm.
11:00 PM- Take midterm.
12:15 PM- Finish midterm (but really, I'll probably do this sooner) and go to the burrito cart. Order a bean and cheese burrito and a bottle of water. This is the most important thing I will do all day.
12:20 PM- Head to the Writing Center to eat mah burrito and write my critiques for fiction class.
1:00 PM- Tutor dumb people. (Just kidding.)
2:30 PM- Done with tutoring, finish up critiques that didn't get finished before my appointments came. Print off homework at the expense of the University.
3:00 PM- Advanced Fiction.
4:10 PM- Leave class early to get ready for the game.
4:20 PM- Change into uniform; walk to Gittings.
5:00 PM- Call time for Tailgate band.
5:15 PM- Play music for lots of drunk people.
6:00 PM- Back at Gittings, get ready for my last home football game. Ever.
6:30 PM- Hear Rees say, "You are the Pride of Arizona, now go!" for the last time. March down the mall and Cherry to the Stadium for the last time.
7:00 PM- Kickoff.
9:00 PM- Halftime? My last halftime! Perform Part III of the Tears for Fears show, "Head Over Heels" and "Broken." Have my name called as a graduating senior in front of 60,000 people on national television, if halftime is televised (which it won't be).
9:30 PM- Skybox band! Eat lots of really good catered food and schmooz with rich, important people. But really I'm there for the food.
11:00 PM- Game over! We win! Suck it, Oregon! We beat the number two team in the country! If we beat ASU we might go to a bowl game! (Can you sense my sarcasm? None of this will happen. We are going to LOSE.)
11:15 PM- My last Aftergame concert; watch video of performance; Rees gives out the last gameball of the year; free Silver Mine Subs.
11:45 PM- HOME.

Friday (In less detail...)

9:00 AM- Internship at the UA Press.
1:30 PM- LUNCH.
2:00 PM- Sectionals.
3:00 PM- Rehearsal in the stadium.
5:30 PM- Rehearsal is over? Yeah right. Haha.
6:00 PM- Rehearsal is over.
6:30 PM- Go home to die. Which possibly involves eating a crapload of food, watching movies, and going to bed early.

Saturday (My last Band Day!)

9:00 AM- Wakey, wakey!
11:00 AM- Call time for the noon performance.
12:00 PM- Perform the entire show for the first time in front of the afternoon Band Day crowd.
4:30 PM- Escort Desert Mountain around campus for Band Day. Seeing high school teachers is weird.
5:40 PM- Desert Mountain performs.
6:00 PM- Watch other bands until call time.
7:00 PM- Call time for he night performance.
7:30 PM- I'm going to cry. A lot.
8:00 PM- No, seriously.
8:30 PM- This is it, folks. The end.
8:45 PM- I will really be crying now.
9:00 PM- More crying, and also hugging.
9:30 PM- Dinner with my clarinetes.
?- Home.


7:00 AM- Holiday staff meeting at Barnes & Noble. Die.
9:00 AM- Work.
4:00 PM- Get off work.
4:30 PM- Die. (Please see previous definition.)

lists, stress, work, school, burrito, nablopomo, marching band

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