"Steer clear of the sun, or you'll find yourself in the sea..."

Mar 08, 2009 23:24

So, goings on...it snowed Sunday [freak weather in Georgia this year, seriously], and in Athens we got like four inches. It snowed from noon to midnight, and stuck around pretty much completely for a day or two and then started melting, but it still wasn't completely gone by the time I left Friday. I went out and stood around in it when it first started sticking, and then I went out again to walk around once it was pretty thick...It was crazy, tree branches kept snapping. There was a tree down across my normal path to class, and then when I paused under a magnolia that had already dropped a couple branches, I heard it start again and scrambled forward and a very large branch dropped behind me >< Eheh. So that was scary. We had a tree fall on a powerline in the intersection out of my dorm, that was crazy. A lot of places lost power, ours flickered a lot but I think they had backup stuff. God, and after the day it snowed, the ice sucked - I fell once -_-; Some places the ice just completely coated the sidewalk. But anyway, it was still pretty cool, and I liked just watching the snow out of my very large dorm window, heheh.

[I took what pictures I could take quickly, since my batteries kept going flickering dead and alive, heh.]

School-wise, things are going okay. I've done very well on all my tests so far [that I know of, still waiting for results on the two recent], so I am pleased. The marine biology lab can be a bitch. I enjoy it and I don't. We had a lab report we had to due, and now we have an assignment over spring break, and we're going to have a 'make a fish' [-_-;] project due this month as well. I'm enjoying mythology and psych, and Latin...and my tree class, heh. We just finished Caesar in Latin, and we're going to star our Ovid poetry-ness.

I had my advising appointment Thursday, and I'm all ehh debating, heh. I told my lady that I think I want to minor in Latin, but she asked me and I agreed that I might want to switch them around and major in Latin instead...which I guess would be if I were going to flat out teach Latin [my only realistic job idea so far]...blegh. And so I guess I'm trying to keep my options open a bit, which makes me feel even more restricted and whaaat about what I'm taking next semester [since I have the majority of pre-major crap done], heheh. I'm trying to decide if I can stomach a non-Indo-European language on top of more Latin next semester [and then there's the debate about which one of those to take anyway] - and besides, if I don't major in Ling., I don't need that. Soo yeah, eh.

But yes. Home for spring break, now. Went and saw Watchmen with Meg and Kevin and Steve and his wife Friday. It was almost exactly what I expected, good and bad. I'm good with it, really. I might ramble about it more later...but yeah, there were KIDS in that theatre with their parents, god. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. Sex and exploding!gore and darkness and violence and nudity and swearing. NOT in ANY WAY kid friendly. ANY WAY. RRRRR!!! Heh.

Uh, trying to cram as much as I can in this week, I guess. I bought my Comic-Con four day pass, so I'm officially going again - wooooooooo. Freaking awesome. 40th Anniversary as well. Yay Alex! I think we're going to try and buy plane tickets tomorrow. [There might be more rambling about that as well, maybe.] Seven weeks until I have a niece!!! I'm trying to go see her [Anahi <3] as soon as I get done with finals. And oh yeah, I signed a lease on an apartment for next year. Four bedroom, four bath. Rather small, but really, all I want is a kitchen, my own room, and my own bathroom. I don't care. I picked it mainly too because they do a random pairing thing, no roommate seeking required.

Aaand I guess that's all I want to say right now.


college, trip, friendness, movie, family

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