"I came here to make you dance tonight!"

Apr 27, 2009 18:25

I is an aunt!!! My sister just had her baby - Anahi Grace Alejandro :) I've only gotten second-hand information, but she's six pounds and some and thus apparently tiny. Jolene's okay. This is all I know...but I'm very excited! ^^ I get to see her in a week and four days-ish.

I approve of her birth date, as well. 4/27/09. We haven't really had any April birthdays in my family, so that's good. She's consistent, too, because she's an ox by Chinese zodiac standard, and a Taurus by the western one, haha. And oh, there's the fact that she shares her birthday with Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy, who I just saw in concert Thursday, haha.

Eeeeeheehee. It's unreal. I can't wait to meet her :))))))))


squee!, family

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