"You just accused the Dalai Lama of potential cannibalism."

Feb 06, 2009 12:53

I guess I should post about college-ness...I realized I haven't put what classes I'm taking or anything. So here it is:
  • LATN 2001 - Intermediate Latin I - 9:05-9:55 - MWF
  • CLAS 1020 - Classical Mythology - 10:10-11:00 - MWF
  • PSYC 1101 - Intro to Psych - 12:30-1:45 - TR
  • MARS 1020 - Bio. of the Marine Environment - 1:25-2:15 - MWF
  • + MARS 1020L - 2:30-4:25 - T
  • FRES 1020 - All I Need to Know About Life I Learned From Trees - 12:15-1:10 - W

So yeah. Things are going well. Not too much of a work load...It's nice not to have Latin homework four days in a row again, heh. We're translating a portion of Caesar's account of his invasion of Britain, right now, just had a test on that. We have to translate two passages we've done from there, among other things - last night I typed up my translations and just went back through the Latin text afterwards, trying to read it, and I was surprised how well I knew it. It's not so much that I can read it [I kind of can...it's hard to explain, haha], I just remembered it after I looked at the form and a couple words in each sentence...I was like, wow, memory. Go you. ...[And I miss my crazy old guy teacher from last semester, haha].

Mythology is a bit of reading every night, I'm surprised that I'm keeping up. I'm a geek, I like knowing this stuff, I guess. Yay for exposure. And woo for not being lazy [so strange]...regular pop quizzes are a good incentive, heh.

Psych is interesting, as of course it would be. I think he's a really easy teacher; I just took a test in there Thursday, and it was basically what was on the study guide he gave us. Oh, and we have to complete 6.5 hours of research stuff - basically we have to be their guinea pigs and sign up to participate in experiments. I've done one online and half of another so far [two hours worth]...it's kind of neat, haha. I'm getting them all out of the way in the next couple of weeks...I'm a bit excited, teehee.

Um, Marine Bio...the class looks to be pretty straightforward, the teacher's a sweet guy. The lab is kind of meh - we have a quiz every week, but they're easy I guess. It's just annoying, having to review every time for the last week as well as prepare for the upcoming lab. And it's long. And I just hate labs. But yeah, we've been looking at cells and things under the micrscope, which always blows my mind, haha.

And the tree thing...jeezus, I feel like such a hippie. -_-; He loosely assigns us readings, and I think he's too science-y and doesn't get that some of the things are like, technical gibberish, haha. But it's cool, we sit around and talk about trees. Eheh.

So I'm handling it all well, yep...I'm amazed that I'm reading and doing my homework timely, and the studying for tests things [continued from last semester] - it just really psyches me out. I'm continuously surprised at myself, haha.

But yeah. That's all I want to say for now, I suppose.

Except - omg, Torchwood trailer. Exciiiited, haha. And damn, I'm watching a lot of tv [Monday - House, Tuesday - American Idol, Wednesday - American Idol and Lost, Thursday - Bones and Supernatural, Friday - Monk and Psych...and occasionally Daily Show and the Colbert Report, at night]...it's a bit mad. But I'm enjoying them all, mostly.

And yeah, that's it. BWAP.

tv, college, fandom

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