(no subject)

Sep 07, 2006 17:24

Why is it that I can turn out a delicious cake before breakfast, throw together a batch of icing and ice the cake to perfection... but I can't use !@#$% decorator icing to save my life?

(I have tried just about every brand of decorator icing in existence, and the best I can manage is extremely shaky writing. I think possibly I should invest in bulk rice paper and get really good at cutting out designs instead -- I'm tolerably handy with scissors. Or I could take a cake decorating course, but that would be cheating.)

This post has been brought to you by the waste of an awful lot of icing. But at least the cake will taste good.

P.S.: I do not believe that it is possible to fit "Congratulations" across a 9x13" cake. "Mazel tov" works a lot better because you can put it on two lines and put a cutesy little something-or-other -- in this case, linked hearts for a wedding shower -- in the leftover corner. Now You Know.
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