May 30, 2006 17:10
So -- windowboxes. The cute little rectangular containers dangling from things like windows and porch railings. About as standard in temperate American suburbia as picket fences, right?
Why is it that I had to go to four garden center/nurseries (including Home Depot) before I located one that sold both (a) basic plastic windowboxes (would've preferred something nicer, but whatever) and (b) one solitary dusty pair of brackets with which to attach them to my porch railing? Have windowboxes become an endangered species while I wasn't looking? Are bracket purchases now monitored under the Patriot Act? I mean, bwuh?
The whole windowbox thing started because of -- yes, for once the icon fits -- bunnies. Until I figure out more Flowers Bunnies Won't Eat (daylilies when they're big and strong; marigolds, maybe), I am suspending operations. Er, literally suspending them. And putting them in large pots.
For my next amazing trick, I will be running a meeting to plan adult education for my synagogue for the entire Jewish year beginning this coming September. *headdesk*