Not The Good Kind Of Imitatio

Oct 15, 2006 22:19

Why do people keep posting about whipped cream on my friendslist? Admittedly, by "people" I mean maybe two of you, and by "keep posting about whipped cream" I mean mentioning it in passing in a strictly culinary context. But it is still deeply unfair, because all I have in the house is Cool Whip Light, and while it is all very well to say that Cool Whip Light is better for me than whipped cream (most things are) and more convenient to boot, the fact remains that whipped cream tastes better.

Even more tragically, when one has decided to throw together a pan of pumpkin-bread pudding (on the sound principle that one should not simply eat Cool Whip out of the container, even if one occasionally does so), it is disheartening to realize that the Cool Whip just doesn't measure up to all the all-natural full-fat goodness of the pudding. On the plus side, it is good pudding.

In vaguely related news, I just tried to cap off an ordinary reading jag of Dorothy L. Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey oeuvre with the Jill Paton Walsh volume-and-a-half, and... I think it's sort of the Cool Whip problem all over again. (Walsh's stand-alone -- A Presumption of Death -- is actually an interesting historical mystery novel, just not when one is expecting Sayers's characters.) I had to go back and reread half the Lord Peter stories and especially "Talboys" to make the (fictional) world come out right again.

In the past week, I have also reread most of Louisa May Alcott's children's books; in the Great Scheme of Naomi's Comfort Reading, I should be moving into poetry tomorrow. Or possibly classic Buffy/Angel fanfic. We all have our preferences, don't we?

... I still want whipped cream. Humph.
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