So I finally decided to watch the second episode of "The Last of Us." Unlike with Game of Thrones, I'll probably keep this a mess of notes.
- Pretty powerful opening in the past where a scientist ends up performing an autopsy on a corpse infected with the fungus. When the military asks her what to do, she suggests to bomb the cities. She asks to be driven home to see her family, knowing she'll be bombed as well.
- We open up in the present with the two adults interrogating the magic immune girl. They just want a battery and as much as they don't like the idea of travelling with an infectee, they go along with it.
- This episode seems to be a lot more coherent than the first episode, with all of action centered on this trio, Pedro Pascal, the kid, and a the woman,
- They try to cross a city, which has been shown to be bombed out and reclaimed by both nature and the fungus
- This girl is annoying. She does not look like she's 14, but 12 at most.
- Apparently there are lots of jump scares, but the meat of the episode is where there are super-infected in building which are notably more monstrous than the ones we've seen so far.
- Notably, despite being mouthy and an overall annoyance, this girl, when told be quiet, not only does, but doesn't even scream in situations that warrant it. That just makes her earlier bratty attitude even more annoying, because she can help it.
- Girl gets bit again, leading to a moment of tension as to whether this bit will take. It does not.
- Oh well, the lady reveals she was infected, so she says behind to sacrifice herself to stop the infected hordes, but not before one of the infected people tries to speed up the conversion by forcing its fungus down her mouth. Eww.
- So now it's just now Pedro Pascal and a girl who is ten times more annoying than Baby Yoda.